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SEEMED that the eyes, ears and concern of the Western odd were focused on 10 Downing Street, London, last anday, as the Prime...
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European Commission bowed finally to political pressure last k and formally buried its proposal for a 44-tonne European dard...
:XT YEAR will see the cornIrcial vehicle market firmly on upward trend, says IVECO inaging director Alan Fox. ;peaking at the...
NORMAN FOWLER got his expected reward from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher this week when she moved him to become Social...
THE BP OIL GROUP has made al operating loss before tax and ir terest of £93 million in the firs six months of 1981, comparei...
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CCORDING to an in-depth market research survey carried out for ices CAV, lorry dealers are now taking a more optimistic view of...
-IE MOTOR AGENTS Associaon has hit out against the Manmar Services Commission's location of E5m to encourage le employment of...
BRISK business has come the way of the Freight Transport As ciation since it launched its Freightcheck tachograph chart-checki...
A SOCIAL DEMOCRAT trans policy should be formulate the near future, an S spokesman told CM this wee She said that although...
THE Road Haulage Associati has broken the 100-dele% barrier for its annual conferer at Bournemouth on October and 20. An RHA...
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E EUROPEAN Commission I propose changes in the tern which permits holders car licences to drive small ids vehicles as well....
SCOTTISH Licensing Authority Hugh McNamara want: operators in his area to givc written notice of any changes tc their...
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DRIVER, dismissed as redundant by Bulk Storage (Transport) Ltd fter he had written off his vehicle, has lost his claim for...
A DESKTOP computerised fleet management system has been announced by Freight Computer Services, the data processing subsidiary...
ANY MOVES to create a dutyfree industrial zone around Prestwick Airport will be opposed by Scottish hauliers. Road Haulage...
TRANSPORT SECRETARY I man Fowler has given the ahead for increased toll chal for the Mersey Tunnels. A public inquiry was het'...
THE PROPOSED extension of the M23 between Hooley in Sur and Mitcham in London was turned down in a joint decision former...
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EIGHT-MILE diversion could to hauliers' costs, following imposition of a 1 6-ton ght limit on the Torpoint y across the River...
JOB LOSSES amount to 10,000 as a result of cuts in local road maintenance since 1975, Shaun Leslie, chief economist to the...
A ONE-DAY national confer has been arranged by the Briti Road Federation in associatio with the CBI Midlands Region. The talks...
NEW WAGES orders have been agreed by the Retail Trades (nonfood) and the Retail Food and Allied Trades Wages Councils of Great...
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HE TURBOCHARGED Fiat 170.30 will be available for British perators from October 8, reports GRAHAM MONTGOMERIE. It is plated at...
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IE SPECTRE of the Yeowart's ;e (CM August 15 was raised len the South-eastern Traffic ommissioners granted a oppers' service...
PICKING up and setting cloy restrictions, imposed on a se tion of route on a servi operated by Western SMT b tween Glasgow an...
THE BUS division of MAN has built a large capacity articulated cit bus which has a double articulation. It has a capacity to...
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SMEN will have to come to terms With the fact that they are ed with low-cost competition, a leading road haulage executive rned...
A NEW FUELSAFE fuel monit ing and protection system I been installed at Yellow Motor Services of Rochdale. 1 system is...
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SEADYKE Freight Systems of Wisbech, has develop new lightweight aluminium loy body specifically for the ling and animal feed...
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TRODUCING a new breed of idi-skip bin loader, Ronald est, managing director of est Waste, hit out at "cow oy" operators who...
ETRI Fans, of Horsham, Suss have announced a low-pro cooling fan, designed overcome noise problems, a to meet constricted space...
ELECTRONIC tachographs, no available from Lucas Kient cost some E80 more than tl mechanically driven ones. However, both the...
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THOUGH VOLVO was one of few lorry manufacturers to ike a profit last year, accord to Gunnar Huseryd, vice)sident and deputy...
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The choice of a retired Major-General to head the RHA must have come as a surprise to many, but Alan Millar finds him...
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E BUS and coach industry is en thwarted in its efforts to ovide a better service by the xtremes and inconsistencies" the...
THE APPEARANCE of the then Secretary of State of Transport, Norman Fowler, was possibly the highlight and certainly the most...
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THE CONFERENCE needed • justification for a major puby campaign (see p18), it nd it in Mr Fowler's "hit and " tactics. There...
Italian view THE AFTERNOON session o the first day of the CPT confe ence heard a speech by E manno Minoni of Aziend Trasporti...
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lE BUS INDUSTRY must have strong policy for the future, if itish manufacturers are to surte, let alone prosper, Leyland is...
TWO of the three main speakers at the first day of the conference were from Europe. The first was Peter Engelbrecht, who was...
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S OPERATING practice in nce is emerging as some of e most innovative in Europe — nerally, however, without ing to the...
WITH ALMOST a quarter of a century of providing a specialist road transport service for Dutch aircraft builders, Fokker NV, Var...
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HE PROPOSED merger )etween Volvo and Scania in 3weden was not the only thing :hat fell through. The same fate )efell a Volvo...
THE Greater London Council's legalising of busking in London Underground station corridors is intended to open the doors to...
THE IMMINENCE of the dreaded litre as the measure of petrol and dery recalls the wholesale swindles practised on the consumer...
THREE lorries and 30 cars, all current models, will take part in a rally for disabled drivers from Edinburgh to Glasgow on...
THE 70mph speed limit means nothing to many car drivers going north between junctions 10 (Luton Hoo) and 13 (Woburn Sands) on...
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on the criticisms of r vehicle in your article on ited vehicles (CM August 15). 1, full investigation has shown it while some...
kNY of the ordinary smaller uliers appreciate the dertaking by Peter Fry, MP, to lom I have written, to address a forthcoming...
CM's ARTICLE on Legal Expenses Insurance was read in this office with considerable interest because, in the belief of the...
I FEEL I must take Simon Kerrp task regarding his remarks in Success Story (CM, August 14) in that he states "that the...
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HENEVER a subject gets into e news these days, it seems, e first reaction from somebody other is bound to be a mend for a...
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marketing director. He joins e company from Lex Service . oup where he was group marting manager. In his new post • will have...
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UDENTS can enrol now for the CMSpecial Offer course for the rtificate of Professional Competence in Road Haulage (National)...
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by Douglas Ainley REDUNDANCY cases, how nployers select the employees be made redundant is crucial determining the fairness...
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GOODS VEHICLE is subject to aximum weight limits for two easons: (i) to prevent damage o the roads and (II) to ensure hat...
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%KEN FOR A RIDE is a 30-page Jstrated paperback, in large int and with drawings by iristopher Madden on most iges, published at...
THE three-wheeled van is still with us just (especially in France), but might we yet see a two-wheeler? According to author...
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M 1981/82 Tables of Operating Costs cover all classes of oods and passenger vehicles including saloons in four ngine capacity...
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Bernt Brandzaeg, Volvo's GB's new md, doesn't plan any dramatic changes at an already successful Irvine plant, but he's a...
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To the Swedish company, service back-up is an essential part of its overall marketing philosophy as our round table discussion...
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and T120 engines to Britain, which will be available from early next year. As far as the UK operator is concerned, the most...
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Bill Brock visits Volvo's cab plant at Lima and finds that with sophisticated manufacturing techniques and £12m of the latest...
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Just what is it about Kinch's Plaxton-bodied vehicles which brings in the coaching laurels year after year? Noel Millier finds...
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Tim Blakemore found out, with hundreds of miles of open road before him in the sparsely populated Swedish outback 1TH-EASTERN...
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An operator's view . . . It's got more torque, Steve Gray is told, but drivers will feel down-rated R MANY OPERATORS used to...