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End Of The Slump?
CCORDING to an in-depth market research survey carried out for ices CAV, lorry dealers are now taking a more optimistic view of le propspects of an upturn in business. The......
We Don't Need More'
-IE MOTOR AGENTS Associaon has hit out against the Manmar Services Commission's location of E5m to encourage le employment of additional ainees (CM August 29). One of the MAA's......
Tacho Check Scheme
BRISK business has come the way of the Freight Transport As ciation since it launched its Freightcheck tachograph chart-checki service. An FTA spokesman told CM that the......
Sdp Polic
A SOCIAL DEMOCRAT trans policy should be formulate the near future, an S spokesman told CM this wee She said that although transport matters had been ai in draft policies......
THE Road Haulage Associati has broken the 100-dele% barrier for its annual conferer at Bournemouth on October and 20. An RHA spokesman said t week: "We are confident reaching a......