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Institute of Trans..port by the Inspector-General of Air Raid Precautions gives almost gruesome details of what might happen in...
F OR it long time motor drivers and persons attending to mechanically propelled vehicles, whether , private or otherwise, where...
Speed Limits Lead to A REPERCUS.-n I ON. of police Periodic Traffic Conpersecution is road overgestion on Main Roads crowding....
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Of hauliers who advertise cut rates: Of someone who thought that Layrub was an embrocation. That hauliers, thanks to S.T.R.,...
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BOUTS-TILLOTSON DROP APPEAL. Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd . ., has abandoned its . appeal against the decision of the...
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and 1 Lossiemouth to Glasgow will be facilitated by a decision issued at Aberdeen, last week, by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern...
" I GIVE you five years' figures and, I like Oliver Twist, he asks for more! " said Mr. Henry Backhouse, Jnr., criticizing a...
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The Northern Licensing Authority at Newcastle, last week, deferred decision in an application by J. M. Burgess, Ltd., of North...
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Only a relatively small number of orders for motor vehicles and allied . materials was given out by Government departments...
At Aberdeen. last week, Messrs. Davidson's Road Transport, Aberdeen, were granted permission by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern...
A long list of further applications by the railway companies appears in the current issue of the North Western "Applications...
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Mr: J. Farndale, had before him on Monday last, at Leeds, an application in which a haulier...
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An Authority Puts For ward Some Sound Arguments on Why This Class of Tyre is Likely to Displace the Popular High-pressure Type...
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Entirely New Model with io h.p. Engine, Affording lig cubic ft. Loading Space and Offered at Li68 Complete T O meet a demand...
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A iiiterpsting paper entitled " Defence of Transport Against Air Attack " was read last Monday before the Institute of...
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Are Doing ROADWAYS TRUST NOT FAVOURED. :A A PROPOSED scheme to co-ordinate all road-transport operators in this country in a...
IN the Liverpool area there was wide I abuse in connection with private-car trailers, alleged Mr. P. Stevenson at the A.R.O....
F INLESS they realized their responsi bilities to one another and to the industry as a whole, operators might one day find...
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We do need new roads built with the idea that, in the future, road trailsport is just as necessary and just as important as...
A letter from the B.R.F. regarding the revoking of licences of two North Shields haulage concerns, the business of which was...
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Rates Stabilization the Crux There is Astonishing Ignorance Amongst Hauliers of Imminence of Stabilization and its Inevitable...
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f-IN Wednesday last, the L.M.S. â.../Railway Co. gave a demonstration, at Euston Station, of two of its new road-rail tankers...
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T HERE is only one place in the world from which best-quality china clay can be obtained, and that is in the district around...
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in Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent NO GRANTS FOR SERVICE ROADS. T HE Minister could not accede to a...
Blaokpool Corporation is buying a Leyland Cub passenger vehicle. Weymouth Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of an...
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Latest 30 m.p.h 6-tonner Performs in an Exemplary Manner, and, on all Counts, Attains a High Standard of Efficiency OR lorries...
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A Large Department for Technical Development has Recently been Completed by the Maker of Bedford Vehicles. It is Wholly Devoted...
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and QUERIES POLICEMEN WHO MAKE CASES. [5306] I would like to draw your attention to a case that I had last week. I was...
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Haulage of Coal for Hospitals Hauliers Should Not Miss the Opportunity of Getting Business from Hospitals and Institutions...
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H OW the staggering of works closing times would assist Rochdale Corporation Passenger Transport Department was explained by...
D ESPITE opposition by the LincolnL./shire Road Car Co., Mr. F. G. Wright, of Louth, was given permission by the East Midland...
B !ALT by Messrs. H. Smith and Sons, Pier Avenue, Clacton, to plans prepared by Mr. H. J. Starkey, A.I.A.S., 15, Curzon Street,...
T HE sixth annual dinner and dance of the Croydon and District Motor Coach Owners Association was held on Thursday of last week...
I N connection with the Derby. which will be run at Epsom on June 1, Blue Belle Coaching Services, Ltd., is running a special...
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A NUMBER of routes has been arranged by the Glasgow Police Traffic Department for vehicles bound for Bellahouston Park during...
comprehensive range of tipping models produced by Commer Cars, Ltd., Luton, is a 5-ton end-tipper, which, complete with a...
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NEW COMPANIES. Tannage Transport, Ltd.âPrivate company. Reg. March 13. Cap. £ L000 in 1,000 shares of 21 each. General...
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T HE double-acting engine is now receiving a considerable amount of attention an over the world, and in patent No. 479,967 is...