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A LMOST proudly it was announced a few days ago that the enormous sum of £2,000,000 is to be spent upon improvement to our...
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R.T.E.—R.H.A.Joint Machinery Set Up IT is announced by the Railway. Road Transport, and Docks and Inland Waterways 'Executives...
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A PROGRESS report on transport nationalization in Britain was given by Mr. M. A. Cameron, principal traffic officer on the...
representations which have been madeabout cases of hardship•withitathe industry," is how Mr, .E A. Walker, national secretary...
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MR. LEONARD BAKER has been presented with a silver salver in recognition of his services as chairman of the Southampton...
S TOCKHOLDERS will be requested at an extraordinary meeting, to be held in Edinburgh on April 8, to confirm an agreement for...
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A/LENIN/UM city bus fares of Id, and ilL lid. were abolished from last Monday in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford The new...
DROPAGANDA exhorting the public I to stagger holidays seems to have failed in its purpose, for, according to the annual report...
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trip of 3,100 miles. from Hull to Trieste and back in what is described by the Road Transport ExecutiVe as "probably the...
DESTRICTED headroom in garages Utand the presence of low bridges on many routes have, in the past, prevented London Transport...
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The date of the Traders' Road Transport Association's annual dinner has been changed to April 26 The motor-vehicle fleet of...
B ECAUSE Manchester's taxicab proprietors claim that if the application be granted it will skim the cream from inter-station...
now better than it has been at any time during the past 10 years. The quantities taken from the Britigi Colonies have increased...
A 13IG Road Safety Congress was LA held last night at East Ham, at which the Minister of Transport officially inaugurated...
A PAPER dealing with the fatigue strength of cast crankshafts will be read at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's...
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That is the Key to Satisfaction in Coach Booking Systems. How Smith's Tours, of Wigan, Charts Reservations for the , Season is...
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A HAND grenade tossed into our midst promised that servicing Dennis, vehicles in Indo-China would not be without its...
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READ with much interest the article "Where Do We I Go From 1-tere ? " in "The Commercial Motor" dated March 11, and I bope that...
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S INCE the war German vehicle manufacturers have been producing models of pre-war design, and little time has been spared for...
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T HE increasing size of London has agitated statesmen since the days of Queen Elizabeth, but it has been left to the present...
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Siandard Components Used in New Dennis Long.. wheelbase Passenger Chassis. Low Fluid-drive Ratio, in Conjunction with...
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The consumption, equal to 10 m.p.g., is satisfactory for this course, considering the conditions (the gross running weight was...
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T HE use of hardened shackle pins, working with ample clearance in steel bushes, without provision being made for their...
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contract klicences, 1 . am going to indicate some of the important points in the preparation, of the agreement, together With...
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Tests Show that Output Can be Increased by 13 per cent., Says C.A.V. Chief Development Engineer p e eTANY people in road...
NnANY men well known in transport IYj attended the annual luncheon of the Mansion House Association on Transport in London last...
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A BATTERY-ELECTRIC truck to IA which .a crane attachment can be fitted, is shown in patent No. 612,985. by W. Boase, Tower...