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In A Line Or Two
The date of the Traders' Road Transport Association's annual dinner has been changed to April 26 The motor-vehicle fleet of British Railways (Scottish Region) will soon be......
Taxi Owners Object , To Bus Service
B ECAUSE Manchester's taxicab proprietors claim that if the application be granted it will skim the cream from inter-station traffic, the NorthWestern Licensing Authority......
Good Supplies Of Hardwood The Hardwood Supply Position Is I
now better than it has been at any time during the past 10 years. The quantities taken from the Britigi Colonies have increased from an average of 2,700,000 cubic ft. in the......
Pedestrian Crossing Week
A 13IG Road Safety Congress was LA held last night at East Ham, at which the Minister of Transport officially inaugurated National Pedestrian Crossing Week, to take place from......
Fatigue In Crankshafts
A PAPER dealing with the fatigue strength of cast crankshafts will be read at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park. London, S.W.1, at 6 p.m.,......