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Transport Tribunal Saddled with Impossible Task by Section 13 of Transport Bill S UPERST1TIOUS people are not alone in...
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A DEMOCRATIC organization such as the Road Haulage Association must be guided in its decisions on important matters of...
Good Appearance Impresses Passengers F ROM Mr. C. R. H. Wreathall, A.C.A., M.Inst.T., of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd.,...
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npposmoN to the denationalization of road transport is beginning to take an organized pattern. A campaign is to be waged by the...
T HE Transport Arbitration Tribunal has awarded £30,718 compensation to Mr. E. E. Burton, 29 Lynn Road, Wisbech, whose road...
A COMMITTEE of seven men, with Mr. G. A. Thesiger, Q,C., Recorder of Hastings, as chairman; is to inquire into the public...
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A LLEGATIONS that Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., had changed its ground were made by a respondent when the...
T WO new export chassis are to be introduced at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court by Atkinson Lorries (1933), Ltd.,...
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MR. A. ROBERT JENKINS has been installed president of the Institute of Welding. MR. H. B. FERGUSSON has become vice-president....
I N the four weeks to July 13, British Road Services earned traffic receipts of 15,909,000, bringing the total for the first 28...
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A Lle Sentinel vehicles to be shown it the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, will be fitted with the maker's...
lack of evidence, the chairman of the Transport Tribunal, Mr. H. Hull, last week dismissed the appeal of Martin Cowley, Ltd.,...
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I N the House of Commons, last .Friday, Mr. Gurney Braithwaite, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport, defended...
A T the annual general meeting, last week. of the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., Mr. H. C. Drayton, chairman, paid...
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I A BOU R Members expressed L. apprehension about the effects on Scotland of road transport denationalization in a debate on...
D RAWING attention to "the way in L./which the Road Haulage Executive are closing depots of long standing in some parts of the...
A N export version of the Guy Otter 1 - 1,with a 12-ft. 9i-in. wheelbase, and an Otter chassis with a 15-ft. wheelbase, as...
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Selection of Types . of Vehicle to Run on Particular Routes in Hamburg Depends Upon Traffic Density : Motorbuses and •...
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The Levy, Combined with Relaxation of Licensing, Will Create Conditions Under which Rate-cutting will be Encouraged and the...
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Grimsby.— Cleethorpes Merger. Suggested In Place of Additions to Individual Fare Values, Operators Now Tend to Overhaul...
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The Our Cha Eng Ove Sins racteristics were Revealed Test of a Sentinel Bus with Direct-injection Oil though it was Loaded to is...
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producing 40 cubic yards of ballast an hour, has been built by Tapper Construction, Ltd., Whangerei, New Zealand, using an...
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L ATTERLY, whenever there has been a dispute about transport, I have expected to see the members of the Transport Tribunal...
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Restore Original Permits I WRITE as the director and manager of a middle' distance transport company. We had our original...
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Minister Offers to Discuss Denationalization with All Interests : B.T.C.'s Annual Report Shows Failure of Integration says Mr....
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Road Safety Week begins. It is the first attempt, on a nation-wide scale, to combat the danger of road accidents during the...
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if the Assessment of Rates is Made After the Orthodox Fashion, Overtime Benefits Both the Master and the Man I MUST begin this...
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P ATENT No. 673,758 (B. Wade and Dot Cycle and Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Arundel Street, Manchester, 15) refers to small...