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T HERE is little doubt that there will be considerable cuts in the numbers of both commercial vehicles and private cars in the...
Oil Drop Tells Engine Condition LUBRILUBRI CATING oil has many attributes, and CATING to the California Texas Oil Co., Ltd.,...
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That what we have to face is less consumption and more production. Of increasing numbers of Manufacturers adopting ancillary...
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G OVERNMENT measures to restore the widest possible freedom for road transport will be announced within four weeks in a...
A RATES schedule for smalls traffic carried by the Road Haulage Executive will be constructed on a national basis. This...
A CCUSED of ordering his drivers to falsify their record sheets, Wilfred Thomas Law, 72, Dudley Road, Wolverhampton, managing...
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WHENEVER an applicant amends W his application in a material particular, with the result that it is re-published by the...
IN a written decision issued this week, the Transport (Appeal) Tribunal makes it clear that to apply for a licence in its own...
T WO new models, a four-wheeler and a three -axled twin steering chassis, have been introduced to supplement the E.R.F. range...
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CLLR. F. How - , a director of Hoults, Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, has resigned from Newcastle City Council because of pressure...
whether_ the remuneration of the proprietor should be deducted from the profits of a company when assessing compensation, the...
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the Minister of Transport to hold an inquiry into the local transport arrangements. This decision was reached by the town...
by Albion Motors, Ltd., are to be paid off within the next few weeks. Forty men have already received notice, and the others...
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D ESPITE a statement by the Ministry of Transport that it was considered that the legality of zebra crossings has been...
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E LEVEN 15er cent, of the national LA income was spent on road transport and travel in 1950. This figure was three times as...
B EFORE, nationalization, road transport was a profitable business; it did not need to be subsidized by the public. It was to...
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A LTHOUGH it will not be cornMpleted until next October, London Transport's Om. programme for the replacement of trams by buses...
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A S the tantalizing Ministerial silence on the future Of transport is prolonged from week to week, the speculation grows bolder...
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A Daimler CO65o Makes an 8,aoo-mile : Tour of South • Africa Including Eve . ry Main • . Centre of Population By P. A. C....
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S IX new Daimler C.V.D. 6 single-deck buses with Saunders-Roe bodies are being delivered to Kumasi Town Council, and will join...
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S TEEL T-section pillars, measuring 13 ins.• by 11 ins, by in., tied by a 14-gauge truss panel and pressed-steel gussets and...
lporr' the end of March this year, ClecL 1 th.orpes Transport Department may have if deficit of ONO, the equivalent of a 5d,...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. • 0131LE shops score over static branch premises, . ,.in that labour costs are generally lower,...
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From Brig.-Gen. Sir H. Osborne Maitre, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. MAY I have a little space to reply to the comments by ivi "Janus,"...
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New . Era How Midland "Red" is Extending Its Single-deckers to Take Pour More Seats r- I NE effect of the recent concessions...
"THE Inglis Committee's report on the future of transport in the Glasgow , area was severely criticized by Mr. E. R. L....
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The. Cottimer Fleet of Tollemache's Breweries, Ltd., Walthamstow, which Started Work Last Year, Costs the Company Less thcin...
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Low Overheads "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Examines the Constituent Allotments that Make up a Sand-and-ballast...
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A LTHOUGH aircraft design has little in common with that of heavy road vehicles, there are certain aspects, such as brakes for...