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A L THOUGH the fuel position will necessitate some alteration to their nationwide road services, British Road Services will...
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A DANGEROUS precedent ha'§ been set by Mr. J. R. Lindsay, NorthWestern Deputy Licensing Authority, in differentiating between...
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O NCE again the House of Lords has spoken. Spoken, that is, not in the process of some piece of embryo legislation—for which,...
U.S. Road Needs A BOUT 1.5m. new vehicles will be needed in the U.S.A. for road works in connection with the $33,100m....
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N attractive Telief map showing the routes covered 1-1 A by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., has been produced by United...
Of wry smiles concerning the railways' "general interest in everybody" which caused their objection to the granting of a...
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Inconsistencies Continue : Long-term Outlook Uncertain : Fuel Stocks Count Against Ration A GENERAL improvement in the...
F OUR charges were last week brought against Amalgamated Removers and Transport, Ltd., Victoria Street, St. Albans, at St....
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THE Avonmouth Plant and Construe tion Co., Ltd., were successful last week in obtaining from the Western Licensing Authority a...
T HE Opposition attacked the Order embodying the higher speed limit for heavy goods vehicles when it came up in the House of...
A PROMISE that workers would not be dismissed because of fuel rationing was made by Mr. R. W. Amey to the employees of Amey's...
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MR. A. W. LAUGHTON, general manager of Eaton Axles, Ltd., has joined the board of the company. He was previously commercial...
'THE implications of the judgments in the case of Lister v. The Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ltd are being studied by the...
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" XPERIENCE has shown that in JLi these days of ever increasing labour and commodity costs, expenditure estimates covering a...
LIEARINQ of an application for higher fares by Walsall Transport Department was, on Monday, adjourned by the West Midland...
R EMOVAL of the road haulage monopoly of the Ulster Transport Authority would signal a return to excessive driving hours and...
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to the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority last week to increase the radius of his B licence from 10-70 miles, Mr. J....
N.G.T. Other: Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., have ordered 53 Leyland Titan double - deckers. . Rationing...
A VEHICLE was, last week, added to the A licence of Mr. T. Cox, Stockport, with a separate and enlarged normal user by the...
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A N appeal by . Hill and Sons (Botley and Denmead), Ltd., Botley, Southampton, against the South Eastern Licensing Authority's...
CREOSOTE fuels produced from coal \--.• are to be used by the Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., and the Mansfield District...
WHEN the hearing of an application VV by Sunter Bros., Ltd., Northallerton, to add a 32-wheeled low-loading trailer to their A...
sought J. an A licence for three vehicles, including two articulated outfits, in place of B and contract-A licences, collapsed...
WORK on the construction of the YV Forth road bridge may begin next year. Mr. .1. S. Maclay, Secretary of State for Scotland,...
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1-1 A SERIOUS threat to commercial vehicle production was the world shortage of nickel used in alloy steels for crankshafts,...
costs were awarded to Kenneth Reed, 11 West Road, Bishop's Stortford, against the British Transport Commission at Herefordshire...
M ORE than 20 American bus operators who have fitted Leyland horizontal oil engines in their vehicles have reported that...
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A SUBMISSION by an applicant's solicitor that questions regarding alleged irregularities, which had been the subject of...
R EPRESENTATIONS are being made to the Government by the British Travel( and Holidays Association for increased fuel for...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. LI G H T WEIGHT underfloor • engined passenger chassis con . tinue to form an important part of...
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A BIG saving in cost is effected, both in production and at the factory receiving the supplies, by transporting chocolate in...
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L ARGELY engaged on the haulage of granite, Messrs. Dafferns (Atherstone), Coleshill House, Atherstone, Warwicks, are...
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at a few p.s.i. above atmospheric and later a figure of 55-80 p.s.i. is given. In dealing with the function of the piston in a...
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A NEW pallet transporter recently added to the Brush P1 range of battery-electric trucks is built round the standard Brush...
CI A MOBILE jib crane, based on the Fordson oil-engined industrial unit and having a lifting rate of 120 ft. per minute, has...
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I HEARTILY congratulate you on your excellent lead: I jog article, "Tomorrow We Die," in The Commercial Motor dated January 11....
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T HE North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., were asking for the first time to pass the cost of an increase to their passengers...
T HE United Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., are applying for permission to raise fares on their services in Northampton. The main...
WHERE the fare structure of one v , operator had been approved, those of other operators should be brought' into line. That was...
A PPLICATIONS of six South Wales bus companies for fare increases expected to produce an extra 1258,000 were granted by the...
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757 0 or More Fuel H AUL1ERS in most areas have now been told what percentage of their normal fuel consumption they can expect...
warned by Mr. Gerald Nabarro, M.P., to plan for the possibility of fuel rationing continuing for a year. An R.H.A. member...
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versus Players L . ET nobody imagine any longer he can trace in advance the pattern from start to finish of a wages claim on...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE decision of the House of Lords in the case of Lister v. Romford Ice and Cold Storage Co., Ltd. (The...
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O il, control was a two-way, and not a one-way, problem. The only reason why the rate of oil consumption was reasonably small...
IN a paper, "A Study of Piston Ring J. Lubrication," prepared by Dr. S. Eilon, Ph.D., and Prof. 0. A. Saunders, M.A., D.Sc,...
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R ECENTLY, two 61-passenger crushload single-deck buses of LeylandM.C.W. lightweight construction were placed in service by the...
THERE is no doubt that road traffic I increased in all cduntries in Europe in 1955, but there is little or no means of...
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T HE first of two articulated buses 55 ft. 3 in. long was placed in experimental service last week by the Amsterdam Municipal...
The new design for Amsterdam consists of an A,E.C. Regal IV chassis with Verheul body connected to a Kassbohrer semi-trailer...
D ISMISSING both cross-actions by Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., and Midlothian County Council in the Court of Session at Edinburgh...
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T HE swash-plate ty'pe of engine seems to have an attraction for inventors, and regularly every year several patents appear on...