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H ARD on the heels of Tuesday's fiasco in Brussels, and the consequent set-back to the hopes of British commercial vehicle and...
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p ROPOSALS for increased sizes and weights of commercial vehicles are now being sent out by the Government for consideration by...
T HE Minister of Transport is to set up a departmental committee to devise a scheme for plating goods vehicles with the maximum...
H IGHER speed limits for goods vehicles on de-restricted roads will come into effect on February 9. This was announced...
F OLLOWING the announcements about vehicle weights and dimensions, and the proposed plating scheme, Time Commercial Motor...
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T ' Queen's Bench Divisional Court last week dismissed with costs an appal by Claude Hughes and Co. (Carlisle) Ltd. against...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT O NCE again, last Friday, the E.E.C. ‘-"Council (with Transport Ministers in attendance) failed...
T HE Ministry of Transport is hoping that the first stage of the new experimental lorry route to the London docks and markets...
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D EMONSTRATIONS were given last week of - a new refuse disposal system evolved by Walker and County Cars Ltd., Fleet, Hants....
From Our Political Correspondent DOWERS to stop goods vehicles and L if necessary to inspect goods or documents are being...
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THERE was growing trade in meat I from the north east of Scotland to England it was stated when an application by Munro's...
THE South Eastern Licensing Authority had "an off day" when he granted a B licence for six tippers to the Dolphin Sand and...
OAD and rail objections-to what was described as a " unique service" were withdrawn at Bridlington on Tuesday, when the...
B RITISH RAILWAYS and British Road Services withdrew their objections to a seven-vehicle contract A to B licence switch bid by...
T HE North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Joeliffe, reserved his decision on. an application by Northern Ireland...