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1st February 1963
1st February 1963
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Page 1, 1st February 1963

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The Way Ahead

H ARD on the heels of Tuesday's fiasco in Brussels, and the consequent set-back to the hopes of British commercial vehicle and...

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New Weights and Dimensions

p ROPOSALS for increased sizes and weights of commercial vehicles are now being sent out by the Government for consideration by...

Plating the Ministry Acts

T HE Minister of Transport is to set up a departmental committee to devise a scheme for plating goods vehicles with the maximum...

New Speed Limi ts on February 9

H IGHER speed limits for goods vehicles on de-restricted roads will come into effect on February 9. This was announced...

Comments from Industry

F OLLOWING the announcements about vehicle weights and dimensions, and the proposed plating scheme, Time Commercial Motor...

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Container Infringed Length Regulations

T ' Queen's Bench Divisional Court last week dismissed with costs an appal by Claude Hughes and Co. (Carlisle) Ltd. against...

E.E.C.Commission May 'Go It Alone' on Transport Programme

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT O NCE again, last Friday, the E.E.C. ‘-"Council (with Transport Ministers in attendance) failed...

London Lorry Route This Year

T HE Ministry of Transport is hoping that the first stage of the new experimental lorry route to the London docks and markets...

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Bulk Refuse Disposal—A New System

D EMONSTRATIONS were given last week of - a new refuse disposal system evolved by Walker and County Cars Ltd., Fleet, Hants....

New Weights and Measures Powers Sought

From Our Political Correspondent DOWERS to stop goods vehicles and L if necessary to inspect goods or documents are being...

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Meat Trade Increasing From North East Scotland

THERE was growing trade in meat I from the north east of Scotland to England it was stated when an application by Munro's...

Transport Tribunal in London

THE South Eastern Licensing Authority had "an off day" when he granted a B licence for six tippers to the Dolphin Sand and...

Pallet Service No Abstraction

OAD and rail objections-to what was described as a " unique service" were withdrawn at Bridlington on Tuesday, when the...

B.R. and B.R.S. Withdraw Objections

B RITISH RAILWAYS and British Road Services withdrew their objections to a seven-vehicle contract A to B licence switch bid by...

Authority Reserves Decision

T HE North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Joeliffe, reserved his decision on. an application by Northern Ireland...