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THE Department of Transport went to great pains to assure us that there was no Cabinet dissension over the content of the...
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ITansport tilintUrn -1E White Paper means the id of the integrated transport )licy principle and fails to eet any of Labour's...
EVEN though descriptions such as "damp squib" and "like a blancmange in a bucket of tepid water" have been applied to the...
FRS week Transport Minister rilliam Rodgers, president of le European Council of .ansport Ministers, will chair two-day Council...
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ROLLS-ROYCE has increased its bid to take over Fodens to the tune of E10.9 million after less than three per cent of...
THIS week's White Paper reaffirms that the Government will remove subsidies, direct or indirect, to the movement of freight...
THOUGH he accepts that there may be some lorries longer than the law allows, Transport Minister William Rodgers sees no need...
A WARNING not to take . American driver fatigi report, widely used in Euroi too seriously has been giv by a leading scientist...
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WORK on the next section the Ml! motorway in F,ssex is to start shortly. The sew £8 million section will .un from Bishop...
TWO MORE grants for providing rail freight facilities totalling £654,237 have been sanctioned by Transport Minister William...
IT WAS enough to make all the backwoodmen Peers converge on Westminster in their chauffeur-driven vintage Rolls .... the House...
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'HE present level of road onstruction has to be mainlined, says proposals in the 'ransport White Paper, and lie emphasis on...
LORRIES will remain the most important means of moving freight for the foreseeable future, according to the Transport White...
iIRING rates for Road Transport Industry Training Board rehicles used for hgv training are to be increased by an average if...
kN increase of over 6 tonnes :5tons 18cwt) for the plated - ating of the V10-engined VIAN tractive unit has been mnounced by...
A SCHEME to give the French port of Calais Europe's best freight handling facilities, has now entered a third stage involving a...
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Crow's nest lob ANTHONY PALMER is the new managing director of McGregor Cory Haulage, part of the Ocean group of companies....
A STANDARD syllabus for training drivers of vehicles carrying hazardous loads has been published by the Chemical Industrial...
their licence has been g by South Wales Licen Authority, Ronald Jacksot Hearing a Section 118 al cation from Stephen Phillij...
WAYS OF improving traffic conditions in the M4/A4 corrick the Chiswick area of London are to come under the ( microscope. This...
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AN ALTERATION affecting the existing A59 LiverpoolPreston-Leeds trunk road at lnghey Bridge near Skipton by-pass is proposed in...
CONTINENTAL Freight Driver's Club members have been asked to volunteer for the 1977 International Driving Championship...
FREIGHTLINERS has welcomed an announcement by the Secretary of State for Transport stating that a E119,000 grant is to be made...
has been re-located in Building 11 + 2, 27th Street, Avenue Park, Tehran. Telephone: 624803, telex IRTA IR215176.
A 0.5 million factory for the production of fire fighting and emergency vehicles is planned for construction on the outskirts...
WHITE Trux International has opened a new office and distribution centre at Dammam in the Middle East. Managing Director...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association's south west region has told Cornwall County Council that proposals under the Heavy Vehicles...
ACK of confidence in future' narkets and adequate returns ather than availability of ands, is inhibiting investment the British...
GIANT brewer Whitbread has ordered 0.1 million worth of Dodge 14.5 tons GVW 100 Series Commandos from Chrysler. The full...
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FORWARD distribution and depot site planning can be undertaken with the help of Scicopath, a new computer package system...
THE PORT of London Autl ority is changing from a administrative port authorii to a commercial undertakir offering port...
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600sts buses OCAL authorities are to be iven increased powers to plan rid run local bus services in idition to receiving more...
WHITE Paper proposals to give more money to bus companies in rural areas will be "the first step towards restoring those bus...
BLACKPOOL and the north west of England has been linked with the east by a new coach service announced by National Travel...
THE NATIONAL Bus Company's Western Region has hit out at Oxfordshire county council and accused it Of "mixing opinion with...
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NATIONAL Travel's (South East) 1977 Hillingdon Showbus Rally attracted more than 140 entries from all over the country. In the...
INCREASED expenditure cm London's public transpor network and higher fares, ar likely in the first year of th new Tory Greater...
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3ased on the truck shown at Brussels Show earlier this ar the New Generation ichine will have a wheelbase 3.2m (10ft Gin). rhe...
THE turbocharged Cummins 290 engine is likely to be offered as an option to the two-stroke Detroit Diesel in the Bedford TM...
LEYLAND light commercial vehicles could be using Renault parts in future as a result of talks that have been going on between...
THERE is a distinct possibility that Hino trucks will use Fuller gearboxes and Eaton axles if and when the Japanese company...
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SCANIA has decided not to market an eight-wheeler, although it has already supplied one to BP Sweden. The, "one-off" chassis...
A WORCESTER based engineering company has launched tv new security products. The first, for rigid vehicles is solely a...
Tecalemit automatic chassis lubrication, differential lock and a Weylade Engineering weight indicator is also fitted with a...
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kN INTERNATIONAL trade ;eminar arranged by Cave Wood (Transport) Ltd provid ad an opportunity for customers to question...
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Who says so? What about a tachograph referendum? I've always thought it would be a good idea and this week I'm more convinced...
FOR ONE so politically arril tious as Bill Rogers the Ira sport Minister — and if he's r politically ambitious why is hE...
"IT'S POLITICAL," said tl man from Calais. He wE referring to France's persistel refusal to increase Britain permit quota....
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The driving compartment of forward drive vans are often restricted in the foot well area because of the intrusion of the wheel...
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ROLLS ON SERVICE THE MIXTURE OF Seddon Atkinson, Rolls-Royce and Eaton aroused great interest when we road tested the SA400...
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by Ron Douglas JRING one of the many nods when the bottom had opped out of the transport 3rket I scouted around on a then...
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We're paginf twice our fair sitar for driver training.. HAULIERS are pouring money into a bottomless pit in financing the...
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I really feel that someone should make a comment about tyre regulations and an article by Les Oldridge (CM June 10) seems a...
I was interested in Mr Cooper's latest comments on rail into road conversion, but if he does not like the example of the...
Commercial Motor dated June 10 contains Bill Brock's road test of the Bedford CF 220 van, in which criticism is made to a...
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In my opinion the CM-sponsored Lorry Driver of the Year competition places too much emphasis on driving ability. Let's explore...
ueltiefe • • • No person is more interested and most anxious about the finance to be found for the replacement of vehicles...
am intrioued by The Hawk's - Bird's-eye view" of Scottish postbuses ( - Preaching the philosophy . . CM May 27). Obviously from...
In your correspondence column on May 20 there was an Editor's footnote to the effect that unladen weight has had no relevance...
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granted service with a long history of excellence, what can be achieved in the enormously more involved distribution of all...
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-account men are using tachographs to aid their cost analysis... WHILE Britain continues to ignore European Regulation 1463/70...
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IN ONE of the novels of Muriel Spark, there is a character who exists only when other people are aware of her presence She...
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Clatsun test by Bill Brock. Pictures by Steve Back HE pick-up truck, a specialit vehicle with a limited Ipplication, does...
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of cider and apple juice in casks and bottles from Sulmars in Hereford. Without an agreed tactical plan by the factory and...