Page 39

:utting He M-way :ake
'HE present level of road onstruction has to be mainlined, says proposals in the 'ransport White Paper, and lie emphasis on motorways 'ill be in the South East, Vales and......
Tougher Regs On The Way
LORRIES will remain the most important means of moving freight for the foreseeable future, according to the Transport White Paper published this week. But it also states that......
Rtitb Rates Doubled
iIRING rates for Road Transport Industry Training Board rehicles used for hgv training are to be increased by an average if nearly 100 per cent in October. Under the new rates......
Man Rating Upped
kN increase of over 6 tonnes :5tons 18cwt) for the plated - ating of the V10-engined VIAN tractive unit has been mnounced by MAN Conces;ionaires GB Ltd. Designated the 19.330......
Calais Grows For Freight
A SCHEME to give the French port of Calais Europe's best freight handling facilities, has now entered a third stage involving a new ferry terminal and new facilities. The first......