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T HIS issue presents the British commercial vehicle industry to the world. It is at once a tribute to the enterprise of...
Cut the Red Tape TT is high time that something was done to reduce I documentary work and other hindrances to the free flow of...
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Of a broadcaster who spoke of houses built of " lathe " and plaster. That this seems more allied to fabrication than...
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A NEW clause was added to the Road Transport Lighting (Rear Lights) Bill, last Friday, when it received its third reading in...
I T is now known that the lightweight integral-construction double-decker which is being developed by a leading Btitish maker...
A WAGE increase of 3s. per week for road haulage workers employed by A and B-licenseas was recommended by the Road Haulage...
B ASIC prices of Atkinson fourwheeled vehicles have been reduced by about £50. Taking into account the lower purchase tax, the...
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Mr. Callaghan said that the Government had been reluctant to expose the arrangements they were making for the purchase of these...
Amsterdam A LTHOUGH there are many new models at the Amsterdam Commercial Motor Show, which closes tomorrow, far greater...
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A CREDIT sale agreement has been redelined by the Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Agreements (Control) (Amendment No. 3) Order,...
W HOLESALE bulk prices of fuel were slightly reduced this week by most of the oil companies. Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.,...
"I I HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority 1. has ruled that Mr. E. Jeffcock, a Sheffield coach operator, cannot run fishing...
MR. C. M. FLOYD has been elected vicechairman of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. Sift Thomas D. Muir. has become chairman of...
T HE share capital of Tyresoles, Ltd., has been bought from Henry Simon (Holdings), Ltd., by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. The...
IT is rumoured that, despite the con tinued opposition of the unions to an increase in the speed limit of heavy goods vehicles...
vehicle builders have been sanctioned by the U.K. Joint Wages Board. They come into effect in the first full pay week following...
separate entrance and exit and two staircases, which went into experimental service with Hull Transport Department in February,...
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B I/ dismissing an appeal of the Railway Executive against the North Western Licensing Authority's decision to increase vehicle...
T o hold a licence for a daily express service between two points provides no claim for a licence for excursions between them...
1-1 , A MOBILE printing unit, incorpora ting twti Leyland articulated eightwheelers, has been built for the proprietors of The...
LL ORD HURCOMB, chairman of the British Transport Commission, visited Scotland last week and met representatives of trade and...
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A T Nottingham, last week, Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., Notts and Derbys Traction Co., and Mansfield District Traction...
A two-way radio system for Lancashire ambulances is being considered. The National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders...
L EYLAND and Albion interests overseas are likely to be amalgamated on the pattern which has already been laid down in South...
T HE high taxatiou of fuel may in future be subject to "considerable readjustment." This was one of the factors influencing...
A PROPOSAL by Newcastle-on-Tyne Housing Management Committee that a separate haulage department be set up has been rejected by...
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r 0 new decisions of the Minister of Transport on appeals lodged by James Smith and Co. (Wigan), Ltd., and Wallace Arnold...
WHEN a contingent from the London VI' Fire Brigade and the London Ambulance Service leave to visit their opposite numbers in...
A THREE-POINT plea on behalf of the C-licensee was made in London last week by Col. Arthur lerrett, president of the Traders...
A N inquiry into the conduct of London Transport, to secure greater efficiency and economy, is to be held by the Government,...
IT is learned that Dennis Bros., Ltd., 'Guildford, are developing a one-manoperated 30-seat bus equipped with a Gardner 4LK oil...
nISPENSATION granted by the Ministry of Transport to allow the 1670,000 deficit of Birmingham Transport Department to be spread...
A CTION may be taken by West Hartlepool Corporation if Hartlepool Corporation employ agents to operate a service between the...
L AST Sunday , a bridge over a railway at Ardrossan, Ayrshire, collapsed under the weight of a tractor and trailer hauling the...
concluded their hearing of the British Transport Commission's proposals for revised charges, the president, Mr. Hubert Hull,...
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by Messrs. J. Baker and Son against the refusal of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to grant a new excursion and tour licence...
D URING 1952, unit sales overseas by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., dropped by 13 per cent., but rose at home by 29 per cent....
THIRTY of the latest Dennis Lancet I U.-F. single-deck buses are to be supplied to the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., by the end...
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B.I.F. Exhibits Show Trend Towards the Production of Mobile Appliances to Fit Any Kind of Work M ATCHING the machine to the...
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P.T.A. Disappointment at No Reduction of 214 per cent Fuel Tax : Discussion of the Two Interesting Conference Papers U NANIMOUS...
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W OULD we be premature in wishing the best of luck to the new Transport Act?" said Maggie's brother Cromwell, peering for omens...
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I N July, 1951, the Argentine Government .placed an order with Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of 750 Royal Tiger and...
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U NTIL recently, passenger transport in Baghdad was not keeping pace with requirements. As soon after the war as conditions...
Time at Gasworks T IME occupied in emptying retorts I at the Hyde works of the North Western Gas Board has been reduced by a...
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How An Unwary Haulier Can Be Misled Into Cutting Rates Uneconomically , If He Takes No Proper Account of Hire-purchase...
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Operating Under Arduous Conditions Over Scheduled Routes of up to 230 Miles a Day B US services operated by the Overseas...
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T HORNYCROFT vehicles are being used by the Maddingley. Brown Coal Proprietary, Ltd., on an opencast brown-coal mining project...
F URNITURE removal work embracing long-distance haulage on the mountain highways of British Columbia, is daily routine for...
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Units Changed on Various Chassis to Discover How Long Such Tasks Would Take a Semi-skilled Fitter Who was Using a Standard Tool...
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Light and Flexible Allwheel-drive Chassis with High Pcwer-to-weight Ratio are Employed for Oilfield Exploration W ITHIN the...
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Properly Equipped and Finished British Vehicles can Play Their Part in Increasing the Difference Between Revenue and Running...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I N whose interests is produce delivered in bulk? Initially it is often for the...