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T HERE is a strong community of interest between the bus operator and the retail trader, and they can do much to help one...
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"Do Unto Others. I N the correspondence columns of a national newspaper was recently a letter in which the writer gave it as...
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'THE amal g amation between J. and A. I Smith of Mac!Alston, Ltd., Maddiston, Falkirk, and H. L. Walker, Ltd., Robert Street,...
Axle Removed from Eight-wheeler Before Weighing: Appeal Against Licence Revocation Fails HE practice of removing an" axle from...
IN .complete contradiction to a sub'. mission by the Sheffield branch of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd. (reported on pa g e 383) that...
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Authority held an inquiry and revoked the licence, The Tribunal point out that the relevant provision is Section 9 (4) of the...
T HE appointment of Mr. A. B. B. Valentine as chairman of the London Transport Executive was announced by the Minister of...
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MR. A. E. WALTERS becomes sales manager of Boden Trailers, Ltd., next Monday. MR. ALEXANDER RAMAGE has been elected Scottish...
T HE mad inflationary trend of many costs has not featured in the road haulage business, said Mr. R. N. Ingram, Road Haulage...
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EXPLAEXPLA INING why B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., were operating 25 foreign INING vehicles in Sheffield, Mr. J. Booth, for the...
D ESPITE large sums of money being paid out to sub-contractors there was still difficulty in hiring suitable vehicles, said R....
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ACCORACCOR DING to the annual report of DING Road Haulage Association, issued this week, they do not expect the Government, on...
VOR efficiency, reliability and economy I there is nothing to beat the door-todoor delivery that only road hauliers are able to...
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M ANY haulage drivers today are suffering from gastric ulcers, impairment of vision, coronary thrombosis, carbon monoxide...
F INES amounting to £182 were imposed on Clifford Hughes and Co., Ltd., at a resumed hearing at Ruthin last week. The company,...
R EDUCTION of Excise duty on buses will save the North Western . Road Car Co., Ltd. an estimated £26,485 a year. As a result,...
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T HE number of ' goods vehicles registered in the quarter ended September 30, 1958, at 1,268,498 contrasts with 1,215,480 for...
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O FFERED with both longand shortwheelbase chassis, a normal-con.trol 6-4-ionner has been added to the Bedford range. It is...
T HE loss of traffic worth £1,500 a year from Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., was the cause of strong objection by Lewis Brothers...
T HE University of Birmingham has been offered a gift, under covenants, of between £19,000 and £20,000 a year to enlarge and...
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A LTHOUGH a typical vehicle could carry Z -1 .2,300 gal. of ice-cream when loose-loaded by hand and only 2,000 gal, when the...
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A S a result of six tons of copper, valued at £1,472, being stolen between London and Hebburn-on-Tyne during November, 1956, a...
Glasgow Transport Department through people travelling beyond their fare stages than through non-collection of fares. This is...
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A MAXIMUM speed of more than 70 m.p.h., acceleration on ⢠a par with that of current 5-cwt. and I0-cwt. vans, and a fuel...
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New Branch: The Mercantile Credit Co.. Ltd.. opened a new branch at 59 Broad Street, Worcester, last week, -under the control...
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Diverse Activities of D. E. Williams, Ltd., Necessitate Mixed Fle e t to Link Farms, Distilleries, Warehouses and Retail...
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S PECIAL eight-wheeled heavy-duty Chassis are being supplied by Atkinson Vehicles, Ltd.. Preston, Lanes, to Roadstone, Ltd.,...
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1 - 1. A NUMBER of refinements has been made to the portable hacksaw made by W. Kennedy, Ltd., West Drayton, Middx, who now ....
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A SELF-SUPPORTING container for bulk powdered materials, now being manufactured by Interconsult (London), Ltd., 21 Mackenzie...
W HEN road haulage was nationalized the Labour Government paid far too much compensation to hauliers, according to Mr. Ernest...
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A METHOD of unloading complete body stillages with the aid of -t.-vehicle-mounted gear has, been -evolved by Abelson and Co....
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R EACTIONS to the Budget while Parliament are discussing the details reveal once again a typical difference between the hardier...
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A BNORMAL conditions of operation which may be encountered overseas raise additional problems of costing, although they differ...
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T OUR article "Spanner in the Works," in The Commercial Motor dated April 17, does not state the matter quite correctly. The...
Rip. LEWIS H. CANNON, who became general manager of 1V1 Eastbourne Transport Department on the death of Mr. John Atherton last...