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HE ROAD Haulage Association's executive board has been forced ) consider disbanding the existing regional wage negotiations,...
'EXACO tanker drivers, like heir colleagues at Esso and ihell, are being urged to reject a iroductivity-linked pay deal vhich...
NFC boss HAULIERS should be given cash grants to get out of the industry, National Freight Company chief executive Peter...
UNREALISTIC wage settlements lie at the root of our economi , problems, a leading economist told hauliers this week. Speaking...
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criticised a "growing minority of adoption of a licensing system THE Road Haulage Association has its members" who are urging...
For Giltspur , rRANSPORT Development 3roup chairman James Duncan ;onfirmed this week that the 3roup is going ahead with its...
IT IS NOW known that Shelvoke and Drewry made 33 workers redundant on October 14 and that talks are going on with the unions in...
CRANE FRUEHAUF is to close Basildon. factory — despi efforts to reduce operating cm the company has continued make substantial...
HAULIERS should now bid ft possible additional Europea permits, according to the Intel national Road Freight Office. In...
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- RANSPORT MINISTER Norman Fowler still looks set to sell heavy pods vehicles test stations to the private sector, despite a...
IPERATORS delivering to Manhester will be faced with a new peadache from Monday when a Pedestrianisation scheme is inroduced in...
AIR FREIGHT Ltd and its subsidiary Skyways Aviation Ltd went into receivership on Friday last week. The workforce was being...
IN REDUCING its road vehicle fleet Foster Yeoman of Sheptor Mallet is taking the unusual step of offering some vehicles for...
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ICE a traffic forecast has justiH:1 the need for a new rtorway, there is no way of Ipping the plan, the Transport 00 director...
BLUE CIRCLE Industries is to make up to 250 of its drivers redundant by the end of 1981 due to the slump in the construction...
PLANS for a Om road bridge across a British Rail main line in West London have been approved by the Greater London Council's...
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CONTAINERBASE (Scotian' Ltd, Coatbridge, has launched collection and delivery serve for small consignments within wide area of...
THOMAS Nationwide Transport's British subsidiary Inter Count Express plans to develop its parcel operation over the next 1...
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THE BRITISH RAIL plan for a single-track rail-only Channel Tunnel is the only practical scheme for a fixed Channel link,...
MERCEDES-BENZ has launchec OPEZ, a computer-based opti mum fleet replacement pack age. Launched as an extension tc the...
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ANY MOVES to make vehicle excise tax a tax on the possession rather than the use of a vehicle will be strongly opposed by the...
Scotland: M90. In Fife between junction 1 and the Tayside regional boundary there are various lane closures. Northern England:...
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AN EVENING discussion on till Computer Aided Design am Manufacture Report of the Advi sory Council on Applied Re search and...
AUTOMATIC control of existing designs of mechanical gearboxes i one of the possibilities which becomes more feasible with ever...
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:ATON'S 3305 five-speed transmission — launched at the Motor ;how — is the first of a whole new generation of five-speed...
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DEVELOPED for use in severe 4Ipine conditions, Noskyds snow straps, unlike snow chains, are said to combine tough tungsten...
A QUICK and simple method c identifying when trailer brak , linings need replacing is beim commercially launched by th German...
SMITH'S Mini Pack is believi to be the smallest power sour available in the UK. Measuring 26cm (10.5in) nil and weighing only...
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COMMUTER coach pioneers Gastonia Coaches of Cranleigh, Surrey, is cautiously optimistic about the future of its Cranleigh and...
THE NEW pattern of bus services in West Dunbartonshire has lost E14,000 in two months, and Helensburgh-based Phipps Bus SerAces...
THE OWNER or driver of a p which fails to carry an efficie fire extinguisher and adequa first aid equipment is liable...
AN INITIAL order for 26 nel Plaxton coach bodies has bee placed by Shearings Plea sureways Holidays of Altrincl ham, Cheshire....
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ONE MOTOR SHOW shopping list which must look good for British manufacturers is Kowloon Motor Bus Company's reports NOEL...
SCHOOL CHILDREN and parents should be attracted to a bus travel in Devon and Cornwall, as Western National and Devon General...
SMI Sales and Service Corn pany Ltd of Finnieston Street Glasgow, is holding its annul display of new psv vehicles fror...
CAR SHARING in Central Lo don is not being encouraged the Greater London Council. A GLC officer's report to tl GLC planning...
LONDON TRANSPORT claims that the intrusion of private vehicles into Central London bus lanes has been cut down by resurfacing...
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DN THE WAGON in more ways than one, passengers on all Scottish buses, not just contract carriages, will be subject to...
.ONDON TRANSPORT will keep 1"flexible" view of private cornianies operating stage routes in ts area, according to a secret...
MOST major Scottish operators are likely to be free to fix their own fares levels by early next year. Grampian Region is...
TRANSFLEET Services Ltd has promoted three of its senior staff, with Hamish Paton, previously Northern regional manager, taking...
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THE Road Haulage Association seems to be developing a commercial outlook that would have been almost unthinkable a few years...
MY EXHORTATION to Perkins Engines not to meddle with Plymouth Brewery's real ale in their research into the use of alcohol...
I FIND it difficult to reconcile the sporting Prince Philip with a decidedly unsporting electric seven-seater limousine. He is,...
DO A DEAL with Dodge was Motor Show message which ar pealed to a Chinese visitor. In halting English he said h wanted to buy a...
LIKE UMBRELLAS children ar it seems, made to be lot Careless parents at the Mot' Show were mislaying the litt horrors at the...
WHEN the RHA communications unit (or public relations department as we oldies used to call it) calculated that its three-axled...
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Ratecutters are to blame lEGARDING the article on rate :utting (CM, September 20), vhere British haulage firms ex)ress concern...
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THE 1980 Road Haulage Association conference at Scarborough this week opened with some straight talking from national chairman...
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DELEGATES at the conference this week have had a unique insight into the development of the road haulage industry and the RHA....
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SF's engineering research and 3sign centre at Middlewich was fficially opened on July 11 this 3ar by Transport Minister NorIan...
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:RE'S B-SERIES was launched at he 1974 Commercial Motor ;how. It attracted a lot of attenon then, despite the presence 4...
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PRODUCING a vehicle plated for )nly 36 tons before the findings rf the Armitage Inquiry into naximum gross weights are .nown is...
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iRITISH manufacturers are ofen criticised for not exporting !nough: sometimes with justifiation. But the track record of nany...
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-10 has the best bus or coach ery in Britain? We will know December 6 when we publish a results of our 1980 livery , mpetition...
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FRIVOLOUS advertising, gimmicky promotions, and cheap handouts are senseless ways of spending money with relatively little...
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NISSAN Motors have begun assembly of Datsun pickup trucks in a new plant (their third in Europe), recently completed in Greece...
IN RESPONSE to the demand by Swedish hauliers for a "deeper penetration" piggyback route to and from Germany, Swedish Railways...
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Potential abuses by Douglas Ainley THE "COERCIVE" powers of trade unions are one of the Act's main targets. Previously,...
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IE LATEST available RoSPA lures make shocking reading over 86,000 drivers killed or lured on our roads in 1978. ith rising...