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A Leaf Out Of Aa's Book?
THE Road Haulage Association seems to be developing a commercial outlook that would have been almost unthinkable a few years ago. It is unlikely to rival the AA as a mail-order......
Watery Beer Has Its Uses
MY EXHORTATION to Perkins Engines not to meddle with Plymouth Brewery's real ale in their research into the use of alcohol containing water as an alternative fuel, brought an......
State Coach Goes Electric
I FIND it difficult to reconcile the sporting Prince Philip with a decidedly unsporting electric seven-seater limousine. He is, however, to take delivery of one next month......
Takeaway A Dodge
DO A DEAL with Dodge was Motor Show message which ar pealed to a Chinese visitor. In halting English he said h wanted to buy a Dodge 5-Serie like one of those on display. This......
Volvo Joins A Lost Cause
LIKE UMBRELLAS children ar it seems, made to be lot Careless parents at the Mot' Show were mislaying the litt horrors at the rate of around 11 a day. Their wails were quellt......
Armitage Has Food For Thought
WHEN the RHA communications unit (or public relations department as we oldies used to call it) calculated that its three-axled exhibition trailer loaded to 40 tonnes gross could......