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Congestion and High Costs Hamstring Stage carriage Operators Fighting for Traffic vir fl his hands tied by road congestion and...
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T HERE is merit in the suggestion made this week by Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, chief executive officer of the Road Haulage...
Not Penny Wise A SMALL boy boarded one of Sheffield's pay-as you-enter buses on Friday, April 13, and put 2s. 6d. into the...
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That the American transport term for light, bulky articles is " balloon " loads. That the parking of vehicles in the T-heads...
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F OUR municipal undertakings have been authorized by the National Joint Industrial Council for the road oassenger transport...
WIDESPREAD disappointment has V , been caused by the failure of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to seize the opportunity in the...
I AST September two ex-drivers, Mr. H. J. Sweet and Mr. E. R. Meadows, of Hinton-on-the-Green, Evesham, went into partnership...
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MR. R. Astiwoarn, a well-known Rochdale haulier, has been elected a local councillor. He is a Liberal. Mr. STANLEY S. DAWES...
TIFIE Construction and Use Regula tions will, as from June 1, he amended to allow all public service vehicles registered on or...
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A FTER a long hearing, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing 1-1 .Authority, last week granted British Road Services an A licence...
A , P . ROPOSAL to ban waiting in peak traffic zones" of Birmingham was last week considered by Birmingham Public Works...
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THE chairman of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, stopped the hearing of applications by 10 Yorkshire...
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1pASSENGER and mileage records were broken in the past year, the chairman, Mr. W. T. lames, said at the annual meeting of the...
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A COMPREHENSIVE en g ineerin g r - k research and test centre is bein g constructed in four phases by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., on...
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p RIVATE CAR comfort and shorter journey times were two measures suggested at the annual conference of the Scottish Road...
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A PRACTICAL fitment for the Albion Chieftain chassis, which calls for no structural alterations, is a combined bumper and...
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Safer Trailers Q NE of my fi tters, Mr. T. Smalley, has devised and fitted a cheap and simple device which I. consider to be...
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Respondent Not Called Tribunal Allow Appeal After Change of Normal User 'THE Transport Tribunal last week I endorsed the...
T H E North Western Licensing Authoc i ity on Monday authorized Bolton Transport Department to increase its minimum fare from...
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br Soft-Drinks Fleet Alan Smith High Level of Domestic Sales Sustains Winter Trade• of Cantrell and Cochrane,Ltd.: Thames 4D...
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P RICED at £38 10s., a welding trolley with folding bench and pipe vice has been introduced by Croftshaw (Engineers), Ltd., 523...
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Close Working between Private Enterprise and B.R.S.: Road Transport Associations to be United? THE likelihood that the...
T HE satisfaction of Rhondda Corporation with the operations of the Rhondda Transport Co., Ltd., was mentioned by the mayor,...
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Power, Speed and Good Traction Combine ti Thornycroft 6 x 6 Crash-tender Chassis with B81 Engine an Invaluable Asset for...
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P ACKAGES are often received by a customer with the outer casing apparently undamaged, but the con tents broken. He blames...
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Research Workers Criticize Layout of Vehicles : Eight Problems Requiring Research Examined at Conference: £2,000m. Spent on...
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I N connection with the erection of the 'pylons and general maintenance work concerned with the grid system, the Central...
T HE nationalized gas industry was divided into 12 Area Boards, each of which had its own transport policy, said Mr. E. H....
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M UCH has been heard recently 011 the desirability of closer co-operation between British Road Services and the independent...
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F ' direct purchases of transport units are now coming to light, but vehicles continue to change hands, many of them a number...
Walsh Transport (Holton; Ltd. can. '£5,000. Dirs.: F. Walsh and Cornelia E. Walsh. 215 Longlield Road, Bolton. See.: Cornelia...
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Ulster Traffic Council: The Northern Ireland Government have established a Road Traffic Advisory Council to help to achieve...
Newcastle upon Tyne City Council arc to o!uain three sweepers. Washington Urban District Council are to order a Dennis refuse...
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Most Inquirers Give Insufficient Information For. Adequate Answers, and Assumptions Have to Be Made About Their Operating...
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LIGHTLIGHT -ALLOY van bodies are being made by A. E. Freezer -ALLOY Co., Ltd.. Hayling Island, Hants, a concern formerly...
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A TWO-STROKE oil engine having 1 - 1 opposed pairs of pistons, is shown in patent No. 741,619, by B., D., and G. Morton, all...