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T HE clock has struck twelve and the glass coaches of the immediate post-war years have turned again into pumpkins. Bus...
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Q UESTIONS have been addressed to The Commercial Motor on the contractual obligations of anyone who tenders successfully for...
What 30 m.p.h. Means A RECENT observation by Lord Sandhurst, chair ; man of the British Road Federation, was to the effect...
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PRESSURE by operators' interests has caused the Ministry of Transport to defer for a short period—possibly two or three weeks—...
T O assist vehicle owners fully occupied with problems other than those concerning the mechanical condition of their vans or...
I E company has not done much " '['HE the disposal of transport and properties has been regrettably slow. In fact, there is a...
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A N Austin 5-cwt. van based on the A30 chassis has just been announced. Its all-steel body has a capacity of 60 Cu. ft. At the...
rERTA1N changes are to be made in the executive structure of concerns in the B.E.T. group. Mr. W. M. Dravers has been appointed...
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A PROGRAMME of improved con ditions, "preparatory to national demands," with particular reference to overtime rates on...
An economic survey of Ecuador has been published by the Stationery Office at 2s. The Industrial Court has dismissed a claim...
THE Northern Licensing Authority commented last week on a farmer's use of a C licence vehicle. Mr. R. Davidson, of Beck Brow,...
M. C. W. Sara, assistant manager of the motor department of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., has retired after nearly 43 years'...
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F WE bus companies in the East Midlands have been g ranted permission to raise their fares. They are Barton Transport, Ltd.,...
A NOTTINGHAM haula g e contr a crA•tor was fined a total of £6 at Nottin g ham, last week, after admittin g usin g three...
A COMPANY who pleaded g uilty at Kirkham Ma g istrates' Court, last week, to three summonses for usin g a i iublic service...
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A SHUTTLE service for carrying I -1 rock a distance of 100 yd. between quarry face and crusher probably represents the most...
A SUCCESSFUL application was IA made by Mr. R. J. Simpson, partner in Messrs. J. Simpson and Son, Skelton. to the Northern...
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and the Middle East, a party of four Land-Rovers led by Col. LeBlanc has returned to this country. The vehicles have covered...
O N Monday, highway authorities throughout the country, working in co-operation with the Ministry of Transport, started the...
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WHEN Mr. T. Burston, WestLeigh, W near Tiverton, successfully applied for a licence to carry road stone for the Westleigh Stone...
I MPROVED visibility and appearance and increased body length are the requirements of several operators who have been supplied...
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Changes in Design of Daimler Lightweight Double-decker Chassis Enable Larger Body to be Fitted Without Increasing Total Unladen...
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Perkins R6 Oil Engine and 10 Forward Speeds Give Abundant Power in Rutland Troubadour 8-tonner By Laurence J. Cotton...
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'Unusual Gearbox Mounting Arrangement in New Chassis : Gardner 6LW Engine and Other Well-known Proprietary Components Employed...
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IT has been stated by Mr. I Lennox-Boyd, the former Minister of Transport, that 90 per cent. of heavy goods vehicles exceed 20...
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R ISING production means that the haulier's problem of getting traffic is eased, and it is fortunate that while disposal is...
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By Alan Smith W HEN Brunel was building his railway westwards from London in the 1830s, William Butler set up a works in...
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"Contracting Out" of Liability by a Goods • or Passenger , Operator May. Place an Employee in the Position of being Sued by...
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A READER of my articles dealing with differences between town and country rates has suggested that I . have overlooked an...
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TH E conversion of a fork-truck into a dual-purpose vehicle can be achieved by a scheme shown in patent . No. 711,961....