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IE PROPOSALS announced this week to increase speed limits for heavy goods hides on dual carriageways to 50mph will receive...
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THE LONG WAIT for increased speed limits will soon be over. Transport Under Secretary Lynda Chalker last week circulated draft...
THE TRANSPORT TRIBUNAL has criticised the "serious irregularities" in the way a Licensing Authority handled an application for...
DRAFT REGULATIONS on spr suppression will be circulated the autumn, Transport Unc Secretary Lynda Chalker has nounced. The...
DERV PRICES are rising aga as oil companies try to make for the effects of an unfava able dollar/Sterling exchan rate. Esso...
HEADS of Police traffic c sions from all over the UK be attending a meeting n week in Maidstone, Kent, discuss the problems...
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AND TRUCKS has fired a warning salvo ahead of next month's e negotiations by warning its 9,700 workers that the company...
TEST fees will be increased September 1 to reflect 3 accurately the true costs le motor industry, the De-nent of Transport...
HAPPIER NEWS is coming from ERF, whose chairman, Peter Foden, told shareholders last week that the company made a small profit...
THE TRANSPORT Development Group has recorded a profit before tax of £9.3m for the half year to June 30. This is an increase of...
IVECO UK sales and marketing director David Gill is predicting a total of about 50,000 vehicle registrations for 1983 in the...
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FIVE COMPANIES have secu Section 8 Grants worth 0.1 The Government grants, amn at encouraging companies take freight off the...
ROAD HUMPS on certain rr restricted to a 30mph sr limit will become legal f August 25. From that 1 speeding vehicles could be...
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AN OPERATOR'S failure to notify of any convictions recorded agai date of conviction was a breach licence. This warning was...
A NEW SCHEME for reporting accidents, dangerous occurrenci and cases of ill health arising at work is outlined in a consultatil...
GREATER Manchester County Council's transport strategy committee is urging priority for a new stretch of road from Blackfriars...
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NATIONAL Freight Consortium's continued assault on the own ount market has just won two of its subsidiaries a pair of erent...
TRUNK ROAD improvements will affect traffic in several parts of the country. Widening and strengthening of the A66 bridge at...
YOUNGER hauliers interested in learning about the potential for computers are being canvassed by the Road Haulage Association's...
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THE DEPARTURE of Lowfield Distribution operations director David Howes, has led to the reorganisation of its general traffic...
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New Volvo range soon .VO is to announce a new icle to its range on August In addition, it will be anincing a new range of [des...
TECHNICAL SERVICE bulletin TS46 has been issued by Lucas Girling. It contains advice and information on the servicing of its...
THE SOCIETY of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is combining its aftermarket parts and accessories exhibition with the...
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THE EEC is to make a fresh effort to encourage recycling of waste tyres after three years during which industry has shown no...
LEDBURY PRESERVES has taken delivery of two tandemaxle Dyson Superlight trailers fitted with curtainside bodywork by...
L10 Foden A SPECIALLY-DESIGNED Fod S106 six-wheeler with a Cu mins L10 engine has recently tered service with We Yorkshire...
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NATIONAL BUS subsidiary Western National's engineering services unit is the basis for a new commercial vehicle engineering...
AMSTERDAM is to be the scene of a bus and coach show this September. The Autobus RAI will be held every other year at the RAI...
1-1 YORKSHIRE PTE has introduced a network of routes in the ster area specially for disab ed passengers. FE plans a similar...
FHNESS partnership which itage and school bus serhas lost its operator's :e. The Scottish Traffic lissioners decided last I it...
WALTER ALEXANDER (Coachbuilders) has won a £5.87m export order from Singapore Bus Services, its largest ever order by value....
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FOUR double-deck coaches are to be delivered to the Scottish Group next year to test their suitability for shorter distance...
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Revamped Fiestas E FORD FIESTA van will be ailable with a redesigned dyshell from September 30, d both the Fiesta and Escort...
P & 0 GROUP member Ferrymasters has bought an initial order of 10 Iveco 220.38 6X2 tractive units for 38 tonne operation. They...
PERKINS ENGINES is currently involved in discussions with several vehicle manufacturers with a view to developing a new family...
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to respond for himself, I should comment on Ralph Der's letter (CMAugust 6). It Nell be that on some cts the RHA sometimes...
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GER COOKE, BBC Radio's efatigable investigative orter, has turned many les and uncovered many )Ieasant creatures. One of his...
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IN HAULAGE modestly refto itself as a container Container transport, age and repair is the busii it knows best, and what it Ns...
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IE IS A KIND of game that f have been forced to pa rtie in over the last few years. simple but highly perilous 3 whereby...
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OUS ACCIDENTS concern I in the transport and ibution industries. The ic image of "juggernauts" ot have been improved by it...
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LIER this year the Road lage Association and the jht Transport Association ?. engaged in a furious public about haulage rates....
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MONTH OUR sister magMotor tested another two e fuel economy devices. was fitted to a Datsun a and the other to a Re 9 and both...
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that has light within his own clear breast lay sit in the centre and enjoy bright day 3EGIN a reply to Ralph Crop; article on...
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"IT DIDN'T HAVE to look the way it does. But it was designed from scratch to be a marketing tool as well as a parcels sorting...
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STRIBUTION? The French ve a word for it — Garonor. ened in 1967, the massive )-acre freight complex (Co- it Garden Nine Elms is...
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ave Wentmore's spare trailers, well as a quiet place for the ivers' overnight stop. Despite all its problems, Garo )r is still...
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E ARE LOOKING for a good imaritan. The person we are Dking for is one who has own care, courtesy or courage the interests of...
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THE RECENT reorganisation of European marketing operations for commercial vehicles from General Motors plants has been...
TRAFFIC warnings have been issued for this weekend (August 19-21) and for the following weekend by the Italian motorway company...