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Leyland Trucks May Cut More Jobs
AND TRUCKS has fired a warning salvo ahead of next month's e negotiations by warning its 9,700 workers that the company iterally fighting for survival" and may need to make......
Mot Test Fees Rise
TEST fees will be increased September 1 to reflect 3 accurately the true costs le motor industry, the De-nent of Transport said. Iht van and car MoTs will £9, a rise of £1.50,......
Erf Turns In Profit
HAPPIER NEWS is coming from ERF, whose chairman, Peter Foden, told shareholders last week that the company made a small profit after interest charges in the first quarter of the......
Tdg Profit Up
THE TRANSPORT Development Group has recorded a profit before tax of £9.3m for the half year to June 30. This is an increase of Elm on the same period of last year. In the road......
Lveco's 38 Tonne Boost
IVECO UK sales and marketing director David Gill is predicting a total of about 50,000 vehicle registrations for 1983 in the over3.5 tonne category. This compares with the......