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N early Victorian text ran : " If every one his front did sweep, the village would be clean." Its direct application is...
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T HOSE members of Associated Road Operators who do not support the view that an increase in theannual subscription is advisable...
The Vanishing Trick n NE of our friends in the in Road transport industry, whose success .Guise has involved the employment...
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(Mil-C.-saw puzzles concerning part-time workers. From someone who ought to know, that rationing has only just started! That...
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Big Transport Economies in Egg Distribution LARGELARGE economies of road transport in the carriage of eggs. in Yorkshire are...
T HE Liverpool Stores Delivery Pool, operated in the interests of five' of the city's largest stares, has been much quoted at...
OR the operation of the Governr ment haulage scheme in the Northern bivision, appointments of area officers on the Ministry...
licensing the I supply of tyres may not be completed for another week or two. The Ministry of Supply . has, consequently,...
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WARNING that any division in 1!V representation of A and B licenceholders' interests on. the one hand, and those of C licensees...
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A N interesting and well-compiled booklet entitled "The History of the Magneto" has been produced by Mr. Frederick R, Simms,...
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M UCH can be learned by studying the figures in Figs. I, II and III, which are reproduced herewith from my last week's article....
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H. F. Smith, Businesses .May Greatly Affect Future of Transport Director, Kirby and West, Ltd: T .RE article by Mr. A. C....
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Why Is There a Lag in the Supply of Vehicles For the Chartered Fleet and Defence Lines? Some Suggestions As to How the Position...
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An Account by Paid Recently to perimental Depa or of a Visit trch and aC.A.V., Ltd. T RAVELLING from tropical conditions of...
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A Staff Man Has an Opportunity of Studying Internal and External Transport Planning at an Important North of England...
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A Brief Résumé of the Work of the Controller General of Factory and Storage Premises T HE Controller General of Factory and...
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Groundwork of Facts Established for One Plant with One Fuel and One Compression Ratio RAUCH_ producer-gas data, valuable Min...
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WITH the ,ordinary two-shoe brake, W it is impracticable to obtain more than' about 200 degrees of effective friction surface;...