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20th January 2005
20th January 2005
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Page 1, 20th January 2005

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Checking the cost of road user charging

The FTA is having the LIRLJC scrutinised — but says it is unlikely to withdraw its support. Dominic Perry and Jennifer Ball...

Two Brits join Europe's top 500 firms

TWO UK transport firms are in the latest list of Europe's fasting growing businesses. ECM (Vehicle Delivery Service) was placed...

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Who pays for policing?

Exclusive! WEST MIDLANDS Police say a highly successful anti-truck crime initiative may close unless hauliers contribute...

Control drivers' hours or face jail

DRIVERS ARE not solely to blame for fatal accidents and operators should face up to the "realistic" possibility of jail if...

Stand off

MAN and DaimlerChrysler are facing each other in court over allegations of mis-stated accounts and alleged fraud. This follows...

Breakfast bonus

CM reader Tony Milligan from Northampton has won £200 for nominating his best Breakfast Hotspot as part of National Truck Week.

Trailer reward

Roffes Transport at Sutton Bridge, Lincs, is offering a £2,500 reward for return of a stolen yellow trkaxle trailer. The loaded...

No connection

Transport Executive Services, which trades as Transport Advisory Service, has no link with Transport Advisory UK or Transport...

Height talks

Until 28 January the Irish government is inviting views on whether a height limit for trucks is necessary. Contact:...

Breaking barriers

Freight firm Business Post has become the only Britishowned express delivery company to enter the FTSE 250 share index.

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Wincanton cuts 350 jobs

Wincanton has stunned its workforce by axing its Vilton Keynes depot, citing falling volumes. Jennifer Ball reports. THE...

Top MAN shareholder pulls out

MAN'S LARGEST single shareholder has sold its stake in the company for around El bn, initially prompting speculation over the...

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NR Evans suspended

WELSH OPERATOR NR Evans has escaped with a two-week licence suspension after some 845 offences were discovered.The Cross...

VOSA allays WTD fears

THE VEHICLE and Operators Services Agency (VOSA) has sought to allay operators' fears that they will face a rush of inspections...

Quality pal's dividends

Barry Proctor, who owns Barry Proctor Services of Stoke-on-Trent, has just bought himself a fleet of Corgis... and it's all...

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A flurry of mixed information has emerged from West Midlands police this week about the future of its Operation Indicate truck...

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Subbies hit as another forwarder goes under

Freight Speed UK has hit difficulties and is struggling to assess how much it owes. David Harris reports. DERBYSHIRE-BASED...

Bah, humbug!

Take a stroll with us through the little side roads of haulage, the diversions and detours, the quirky, the quixotic and the...

Flytippers banned

A TRUCK DRIVER AND his mate have been disqualified from driving for three months after being caught on CCTV fly tipping in...

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That was the year...

CM was launched in 1905; for our centenary year we're bringing you stories from years gone by. This week we're back in 1906 and...

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Polish drivers earn their keep

DRIVERS FROM THE new EU member states who have taken jobs with UK hauliers are hard working, well trained and reliable,...

Police warning: don't park where thieves are active

AN OPERATOR wants to know why police sent him a warning letter about parking outside a truck stop in Northamptonshire....

BRS scoops £45m deal with Spices

BRS HAS STARTED the new year on a positive note with a £45m, five-year deal to manage a UK distribution operation for office...

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Driver blown off Foyle Bridge

Storms claim another driver as his truck plunges off the side of the Foyle Bridge —his family are asking how it can be made...

Video to teach wardens

TRAFFIC WARDENS are to be encouraged to take a more reasonable approach to drivers trying to make deliveries with the launch of...

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£2k blitz on overloaded trucks in Derbyshire

DERBYSHIRE County Council has handed out more than £2,000 worth of fines in a crackdown on overloaded trucks. Cases have been...

Thermo King sends staff to chill in the real world

FRIDGE UNIT manufacturer Thermo King is sending staff to work in customers' traffic offices to help them understand more about...

Now I'm a believer...

IT WASN'T until he took the keys of the 4x4 Tata Safari EX that Andrew Bell believed he had won the competition run by Tata and...

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When price tags are elastic

Ifs the time of the year when manufacturers go sale crazy, giving you the opportunity to pick up a bargain. CM loo Ks at what's...

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Beware of buying stolen diesel warn Northamptonshire police

Northamptonshire police have urged operators to be on their guard against buying stolen diesel following a large number of...

Sofa thieves Cab torched at night

on the run A 40FT TRAILER filled with sofas worth thousands of pounds has been stolen from Hillington Industrial Estate in...

CAMBRIDGE POLICE are seeking an arsonist who torched a truck

while the driver was asleep in the cab at 10.50pm on 12 January. The incident occurred on an industrial estate off of Stirling...

Driver tied up, thieves dean up

T irri-retc POLICE ARE appealing for wit nesses following a high-value rob bery at Cherwell Valley Service Oxfordshire on 12...

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In safer hands?

Jennifer Ball reports, the government's latest Road Safety Bill las been met with mixed reactions... F or the first time in 40...


• A graduated fixed penalties scheme for speeding drivers • Re-training for speeders e A ban on speed camera jammers and...

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Rumbling concern greets the New Year

Although our ground breaking survey shows healthy Christmas business, most operators are gearing up to tackle problems in...

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Taking the strain

When is contract hire not contract hire? According to John Ball, MD of Fraikin, most of the time. Andy Salter finds what on...

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Working Time uncertainty

IT SEEMS NOBODY is certain what effect the W'orkingTime Regulations will have on the transport industry. You have drivers who...

Is our way of life dying?

AT THE BEGINNING of last December it was announced that one of the highest profile haulage and distribution companies in this...

Consulting on Welsh speed

THANK YOU for your letter referring to the "Pushing 50" campaign and calling for lifting of the speed limits for commercial...

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Bosses share the guilt

Plenty of operators encourage, or at least allow, their drivers to work long hours. Sometimes tired drivers are involved in...

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Called to account December 2004: Kent haulier Melvyn Spree was jailed for seven years after he encouraged drivers to break the...

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Licence lost for fly-tipping

Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to good repute — and a plea of directors' ignorance certainly didn't impress the Transport...

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Operator of iunroadworthy' fleet hangs on to his licence... just

A STRING of prohibitions has led to the temporary curtailment of a Scottish operator's licence, despite the company's decision...

Owner-driver fined for using hire vehicle

AN OWNER-DRIVER who failed to use a tachograph and drove an unauthorised vehicle has been ordered to pay 1450 in fines and...

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Essex driver charged £700 had

too little sleep and a blank tacho FAILING TO use a tachograph, knowingly making a false record and taking insufficient rest...

Magistrates order driver to pay £400 in

fines and costs for two tacho offences ADRIVER CLAIMED his falsified tachograph chart was due to pressurefrom his employer to...

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Roadmap to safetv

CV operators are clearly in the target audience for the government's latest guidelines on managing work-related road safety....

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If the price is right

Selling a business requires careful planning, including choosing the right time to avoid paying tax early. Gary Morley...

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Future legislation

Digital tachograph smart card fees: The DVLA is consulting on fees for the issue of digital tachograph smart cards to allow the...

Act novvi

The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) (No5) Regulations 2004. CIF 15 January 2005 Implements European...

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It's often said, and fairly, that the British truck industry isn't what it was — but in one small corner it still is. We check...

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has the last word...

The Foden Alpha tipper may be the last of its breed, but it's no pea-brained dinosaur ready for extinction. The universal...

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FI N ER 1:111 1•111

Volvo has upgraded its Dynafleet telematics package with an online version and an option to integrate it with a top-end sat nav...

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Dynalleel Online costs £40 per vehicle per month for the full service; £20 per vehicle per month for the reports-only package;...

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Chf gol a chance to try Dynaf beet Online and

the new VDO sat-nay system during a drive round Gothenburg in an FM12 460 6x2 rigid. It was equipped with the top-end...

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In a macho industry like road transport it's tempting to make light of problems like backaches and fatigue. But that would be a...

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It's all about resourcefulness

T his is the time of year for reflecting on the past and making resolutions for the future. In keeping with tradition, the...

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Paperwork's safe and sound

D you regularly lose vehicle documents? BCA may have the answer... ritish Car Auctions has moved into document storage to help...

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Ageing beauty

Commercial Motor tests more vehicles than any other magazine so here's a chance to get the lowdown on the favourites in the...

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Keltruck has bought East Midlands Commercials and it has big plans...

Fo lowing the purchase of East Midland Commercials, independent Scania dealer Keltruck has become one of the truck industry's...