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0 N several occasions we have referred to the palpable injustice which can occur as the result of the proviso in the Traffic...
R EFERENCES to the need for new legislation and regulations are contained . in the First Annual Reports of the Licensing...
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S INCE the fusion of the C.M.U.A. and A.R.O., longstanding animosities have been ended. As one result has come a confession...
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-" We are in a hurry for the goods, so please send them by road." That people are wondering when the Rutherglen police will...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising. as a carriage is by the...
" j AM not here to decide between 1 you two legal gentlemen," said Mr. W. Chamberlain, North Western Licensing Authority, when...
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of alcohol in motor fuels in France has already been mentioned in The Commercial Motor. Importers and wholesale distributors of...
MR. JUSTICE MECiAW, MR. W. H. F/TZSIYIHONS, F.C.A., and MR. JOHN B. Maaaiso - N, J.P., have been appointed an arbitration...
In his quarterly report, the Cheshire weights and measures inspector states that constant attention has been given to checking...
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production of a .proper legal agreement, duly stamped, is required in all cases of the transfer of haulage businesses....
to obtain return loads, by hauliers running into Bradford from other parts of the country, were made at a meeting of the...
A N application, in which it was mentioned that a husband, precluded . by an agreement from entering the haulage business in...
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During the five weeks from December 16January 18, last, the Lonclon County Council issued 170,725 motor licences, which brought...
T HERE will be no alteration in the scale of wages applied in any, part of Scotland. This decision has been taken on a...
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Under the Norwich Corporation Act, 1933, the local authority is empowered to make by-laws for securing sanitary conditions for...
A RECENT introduction of Accles tt arid Pollock, Ltd., Oldbury, Birmingham, is a skeleton 2+-3-ton lorry body, made of steel...
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New National Conciliation Board ? BID FOR NEW HOURS FOR P.S.V. DRIVERS. The Amalgamated Horse and Motor Owners Association...
P ARLIAMENT had given road operators some raw deals, but it had made the industry practically into a close corporation, said...
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S.T.R. Attiacts Record Crowds O UR figure of 150 for the audience at the lecture giru. at Newcastle last week by. S.T.R., The...
THAT a district that reduced road 1 accidents to a stipulated figure might be given a 10-per-cent. Road Ruud tax rebate, in...
F URNITURE removers in Yorkshire have formed a new county organization, called the Yorkshire Furniture Removers Association,...
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for speedy delivery work A THOUGH the new Dodge 15cwt. van was introduced but a few weeks ago, reports from the maker's...
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a. new A.E.C. Matador recently supplied to Allen and Hanburys, Ltd., and particular interest attaches to the body, which has...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent BACK-AXLE WEIGHTS TO BE INCREASED? T HE Minister was asked by...
January 's Registration Returns I N the matter of the registration of new vehicles, 1936 opened in a decidedly healthy vein,...
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MUST return to that aspect of road versus rail to which I devoted the first portion of the previous article. I have had many...
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LTHOUGII the Licensing Author ities appear to be fairly satisfied with the operation of the licensing provisions of the Road...
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More Views from the Industry OTHER ASSOCIATIONS SHOULD NOW LINK UP. SINCERELY hope that yoli will continue your efforts I to...
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A S a result of our recent article by Mr. L. A. Poole, entitled "Desert Tradition to Improve Bus Design," Gallay, Ltd., 103,...
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I .N the issue of The Commercial Motor, dated January 17, I dealt with the depreciation and repair cost factor, and it is now...
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WE have received from Reversible W Trailers, Ltd. (P.O. Box 34), Levin, New Zealand, some photographs and a description of two...
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T HEY object to operators hiring out vehicles at lamp SUMS, when the application showed a rate for, the individual passenger,...
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D EPUTIZING for Mr. A. H. Bourne (chairman), who was indisposed, Mr. S. D. Oddy, hon. secretary of Croydon and District Motor...
D ECISIONS on the prbtra.cted ticket appeals by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., and others, have been announced by the Minister of...
1"IIE fourth anniversary of the open1 ing of Victoria Coach Station, probably the largest of its kind in the world, was...
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R OAD problems are again likely to create much attention when the Royal Commission on local government in the Tyneside areas...
IN designing a body for the transport of livestock, careful attention must he given to the loading ramp if the weight is to be...
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A T frequent intervals a patent appears disclosing a new design of swash-plate engine, thus showing that there may yet be a...