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HERE are in London to. day 250 " independent " motorbuses (that is, buses which . do not come. . within the control or under...
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Of bridges aught bending. That the e osing of Waterloo Bridge wag not too soon, but mu h too sudden. Of a new fl -Id for...
Alleged to have been muttered by a British manufacturer of private cars on the announcement- of the provisions of the Budget...
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Th e wheels of wealTh . will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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TN consequence of the closing of 'Waterloo Bridge, traffic is now being diverted to other of the bridges crossing the Thames,...
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A Reply to Dr. T. Blackwood Murray's Recent Article. The Speed of Commercial Motor Vehicles, the Danger of Side Slip and the...
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Comprehensive Details of the Latest Product of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd. A Simplified and Sturdy Chassis Combining...
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D ING a recent visit to the premises af the Saurer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, London, N.W. 1, we noted...
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Details of the New 2f-ton. Model 50 Garford which has an Auxiliary Gearbox Giving in all Eight Speeds Forward and Four...
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Why the Withdrawal of Protection from the Private Car Must Have a Bad Effect Upon the Commercial Motor Industry. By C. le M....
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RE Chiswick overhaul factory of the London • General Omnibus Co., Ltd., was designed ex pressly for the purpose of speeding up...
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m11E_ ACCOMPANYING line illus tration shows in part section details of the now Borg and Beck single-plate clutch which is...
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The Evolution of the Prominent Concerns in the British Commercial Vehicle industry which have Made History by the Pursuit of a...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. MOTORBUS PROGRESS IN CARNARVONSHIRE. The Activities of a...
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The Authorities at Wigan Unlecided o i the Relative Merits and Suitability of Petrol Bases and Trolley-buse.,. T HE Wigan...
WIRE Blackpool tradesmen's annual 1 holiday, which commenced en May llth, provided an opportunity for the local motor coach...
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Difficult Haulage Tasks being Efficiently Performed by a Fleet of British Vehicles. THE V IIIJOUB tasks which-face the...
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M ETEIODS of road destruction would appear to have made great progress in the United States during recent years. According to...
I N THESE days, when the village butcher and grocer have their motor delivery vans, the idea of delivery by this means has...
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A PERSONALLY Conducted visit to the extensive stand of the General Electric Go., Ltd., in the Palace of Engineering at Wembley=...
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How to Cet the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble .522.—Improving the Mounting and Adjustment...
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Our Driver and Mechanic Readers Contribute Some Useful Hints on Upkeep. T HE THREE letters with which we deal this week form...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patents. IMPROVEMENTS in that .type of boiler which is familiar tomsers of the - Sentinel...