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U NHAPPILY, Mr. H. Bottomley's paper to the Public Transport Association's conference at Scarborough, yesterday, was overtaken...
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Georg( 7 _Jdward Beharrell p EOPLE on the outside looking in might be pardoned for supposing that George Edward Beharrell was...
THE six-word paragraph with which Mr. H. Bottomley, general manager of Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., opened his paper to the...
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Corporation, Ltd., is to be formed to operate the proposed factory at Bathgate, Scotland, where heavy commercial vehicles and...
THERE seems to be something radically wrong with the delivery of coal by rail, and it is up to British Railways to put its...
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T " plan by Newcastle upon Tyne City Council to ban unloading and loading in 13 main streets during peak hours, was described...
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MR. REX A. SEBASTIAN has become general Manager of the manufacturing plant of the Cummins Engine Co., Ltd., at Shafts,....
INCREASED wages charges amounting I to about £100,000 a year can only be met by some increases in fares, said Mr. Raymond W....
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Wli N haulier Sidney Moss Lighton, cf Boston, Lines, fell behind with payments on two vehicles, the Mercantile Credit Co.,...
O PERATING figures were presented when Messrs. Overland Car Deliveries continued their application to Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish...
A NEW brand of petrol, selling at prices up to 6d, per gallon less than the more familiar blends is being marketed at about 30...
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Hinder International Traffic FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT DUBROVNIK, Friday. pp ATES schedules for national and international...
THE Minister of Transport has partly upheld an appeal by Charles W. Banfield, Ltd., a g ainst a restrictive condition imposed...
1 INFOUNDED fears of a number of operators in North Wales had complicated the case, commented Mr. F. Williamson, North Western...
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A N operator's base must be more than a "paper declaration "—it was r -k an important rule of licensing and hauliers who...
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A LTHOUGH sub-contractors of Leonard Green (Haulage), Ltd., were " not getting the rate they were entitled to under Section 9...
T EN. independent haulage contractors I told Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, at Bristol last week, that there...
A N application by East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., to vary routes through Driffield, was considered by the Yorkshirz...
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THE failure of a Wolverhampton haulage company to appreciate the importance of producing proper information when seeking an A...
H IGNER fares—the inevitable result of the recent wage award to provincial company busworkers—will affect most of the country...
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S EEKING consolidation of their fleet, William Dobson (Edinburgh), Ltd., applied to Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing...
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THE first consi g nment of a L200,000 1 fleet of dump truck chassis from Leyland Motors, Ltd., is now goin g into operation on...
T O assist the rapid turn-round of lar g e 1 jet airliners now comin g into operation, Dou g las E q uipment, Ltd., have...
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for £25 ARBURETTERS have tended to become more complicated to accommodate the widening speed range and increased output of...
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I T IS understood that the Italian vehicle manufacturers, Officini Viberti, Turin, are negotiating with the Turin Transport...
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C UMBERLAND is perhaps best known for its Lake District, tte holiday haunt of so many; but there is more to the county than...
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• End of a Rural Bus Service WE fully endorse the statements in your leading article, " "Below the Belt" (April 29). We...
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ARE LARGER BUSES REALLY WANTED? W ILL the Minister of Transport authorize longer public service vehicles? This evergreen...
Road Congestion Demands Present Restrictions on Vehicle Dimensions : Claims for Concessions Questioned M R. LOVELL g ave...
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Use of 72-78-seaters Economically Justified: Bonus Scheme Based on Mileage Per Hour Worked T HE use of the largest...
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S IX A.E.C. Reliance underfloor-engincd single-deck buses, part of an order for 14 vehicles, have been shipped to the West...
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A T a time of rising costs and shrinking revenues, Traffic Commissioners and passenger-transport operators alike have expressed...
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Lifting Trolley for Large Tyres T O assist wheel changing on commercial vehicles, Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., Cromer Road...
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N OT long ago there seemed little interest in the question whether British Road Services, or what was left of the organization...
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Changed ? Adviser I T appears that attempts may be made—whether as a result of some central policy decision, or through the...
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OBEYING THE LAW But in the Wrong By Our Legal Adviser A CASE decided last week in the in. High Court may come as a salutary...
By Our Political Correspondent TH E Standing Committee working on the Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Bill has been told by...
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E VEN where the need for an adequate system of vehicle costing is appreciated, many operators do not make full use of the...
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A NEW oil-cooled mtilti-disc brake has been developed by the Auto Specialties Manufacturing Co., St. Joseph, Michigan, U.S.A....
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BY OUR OWN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THERE is good reason to suppose that the bright hopes held out by the Hovercraft (or...
1— V A SHARP rebuke was given to a solicitor representing British Railways by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, at...
I T is to be hoped that the police will continue to use their discretion in connection with loading and unloading of commercial...