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amongst certain sections of the road-transport industry to favour appeals to the Government as a means for settling important...
S OME particularly interesting facts concerning progress in the design of oil engines were recently brought to the notice of...
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Who Put the Rat THERE was excitement at Among the Removal the autumnal dinner of Pigeons; the National Association of Furniture...
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Of sweeping statements at the Public Health Exhibition. That Little Audrey, the woman haulier, informed a Licensing Authority...
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The Board of Trade returns for October show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported was...
A strong hint that railway representatives must not expect to occupy four days on each of the road trunk-service cases was...
" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all clifiCculties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
I NQUIRIES• by Mr. P. Kershaw (for the railways) regarding routes of traffic that was mentioned during an application for an...
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The A-licence renewal struggle in Yorkshire continued on Thursday of last week, when the application of Bouts-Tillotson...
On Wednesday, Liverpool and Birkenhead Members of Parliament met a deputation from the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee at the...
We much regret to learn of the sudden death, last Saturday, of Mr. Howard Stephens, joint managing director of the Cathedral...
A scheme for dividing A.R.O. Devon and Cornwall Area into 10 sub-areas, instead of six as at present, was fully discussed by...
MR. WALTER ALEXANDER, head of W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., has been made a Justice of the Peace. MR. R. A. BELL has been...
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A statement that road transport is absolutely essential to the prosperity of Falkirk was made at a sitting, in Edinburgh, of...
In November, 1896, 40 years ago, the first motorcar run to Brighton heralded the dawn of motoring and the motor industry in...
I N the case of a coal carrier who had lost much of his business through the removal of customers from a clearance area to...
" IN a case like this I should want very strongly to award costs," said Col, A. S. Redman, West Midland Licensing Authority, at...
Western Area of A.R.O. not to work for the county council at the rates offered, was referred to when W. F. Simmons Hodge and...
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What the North-Western Licensing Authority calls the thorny problem of coal carrying ". came up in a new aspect at an inquiry...
A N important point concerning the definition of a trunk road service was raised before the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing...
T HE fact that an application for the variation of an A licence was made at the instance of 'the police was revealed to the...
wiikeffeit Corporation requires a cleansing vehicle. Coulsdon Urban District Council is to purchase an additional refuse...
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Advances in Refuse-compression Methods and the Use of Equipment for Gas Decontamination are Features of Interest at the Public...
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A MONGST the many papers read at the Public Health Congress, now taking place in conjunction with the Exhibition at the...
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Income Tax Reliefs By A. W. Powley, A.L.A.A. How to Claim for Wear and Tear and Obsolescence on Motor Vehicles. Allowances...
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and QUERIES WHAT WAS THE RESULT OF A.R.O. POLL? [49251 In the issue of The Commercial Motor dated November 6, under the...
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By Capt. E. H. B. Palmer, O.B.E. HEARTILY agree with the view 1 of a popular contributor to The Commercial Motor. The...
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Th,onsolidation, But No Stagnation Technical Developments at the Scottish Show Reveal a Tendency in Modern Design Towards...
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H AULAGE Concluding the Conversation with a Coal Haulier, Who Desired to Fix Rates Over a Variety of Mileages / N two articles...
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Oilers Enable Passenger Services Profitably to be Run in Lagos, Nigeria, at the Remarkable Fare of id. for Five Miles. Oil Fuel...
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P OSSIBILITTES offered in the direction of weight saving in body construction have been thoroughly explored by Accles and...
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—no answer from Scotland A Critical Commentary on Tendencies Goods and Passenger-vehicle Body Design, asRevealed by a Careful...
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WAR-TIME TRANSPORT ORGANIZATION. T WO questions were put to the Minister on the matter of the organization of road transport...
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WHISKY DISTRIBUTION This Important Product of Scotland Involves an Organization in Which Three Main Means of Transport are...
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Motor Trade Association took place . in Glasgow last Monday, when Mr. Alexander Ross, the President, was in the chair. The...
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Passenger Transport OPERATORS IN STOKE BOARD DEAL A SPECIAL meeting of Stoke-onIA Trent City Council is being held next...
T HE statement that Dundee Corporation buses were actually carrying Monifieth passengers to Dundee, despite an agreement to the...
achieved by the first oil-engined bus used by Leeds Corporation been equalled, said Mr. W. Vane Morland, Leeds Corporation's...
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MORTH-WESTERN Area operators I liof extended tours made a deputation to Lancashire and Cheshire Members of Parliament in the...
T HE group of appeals by the L.N.E. Railway Cp., against the decisions of the Northern and Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners...
L EGAL interpretation of the word "remuneration," as used in the provision of the Road Traffic Act, 1934, that the organizer of...
'WHEN Messrs. W. Matthews and VI' Son, Lee Mill, applied for the renewal of a B licence and the addition of a vehicle on a...
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V VOLUNTARY restriction by furniture removers to a certain radius of operation was suggested, as a new angle on the rates...
OVERNMENT by regulation, par1 4.-lticularly under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, was vigorously condemned by Mr. C. A. Ball,...
L IMITATION of radius of operation was suggested by Mr. C. H. Batty. It seems to me," he said, " a prac. tical development to...
T HRgE rail removals, I am told, are as good as a fire," said Lt.-Col. 3. Sandeman Allen, MC., T.D., M.P., amid laughter, at...
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F ROM R. W. Jonkhoff, 4, Berger (Rhein) lifer, Dusseldorf, Germany, comes patent No. 454,399 in which is shown a method of...