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Removers Discuss Urgent Problems
V VOLUNTARY restriction by furniture removers to a certain radius of operation was suggested, as a new angle on the rates problem, by Mr. C. H. Batty at the Autumnal Conference......
How To Present An Application
OVERNMENT by regulation, par1 4.-lticularly under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, was vigorously condemned by Mr. C. A. Ball, who pointed out that, under this system, the only......
Should Radius Be Limited Voluntarily ?
L IMITATION of radius of operation was suggested by Mr. C. H. Batty. It seems to me," he said, " a prac. tical development to separate the transport from the loading and......
Three Rail Removals = One Fire!
T HRgE rail removals, I am told, are as good as a fire," said Lt.-Col. 3. Sandeman Allen, MC., T.D., M.P., amid laughter, at the autumnal dinner of the National Association of......