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Do Municipalities WHY is it that battery Realize the Value of TY electrics are employed to Electri■m? such a small extent by...
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Of interesting moves in battery-electric politics. That some people think that there are too many makes . with small outputs....
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EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION. rIPERATORS of goods vehicles are 1 ...../reminded by the Minister of Transport that the basis of the...
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DEFENCE COMES FIRST WITH AUTHORITIES. WHEN several cases against haulage VV contractors and lorry drivers were heard at Bury...
Scots Haulier L AST week, the Appeal Tribunal sat at Dumfries to consider an appeal by the London, Midland and Scottish...
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GOODS AND HACKNEY VEHICLES STILL FALLING. HE number of new motor vehicles 1 registered, for the first time, in February, 1939,...
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W E understand that Affiliated TransIT ports, Ltd., of Great George Street, Leeds, has withdrawn its application to take over...
Morris-Commercial 3O-cwt. Chasssis as Basis of Mobile Grocer's Shop T HE somewhat striking vehicle shown in the accompanying...
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U NQUESTIONABLE attractions are held by the rigid six-wheeler which steers through four wheels and drives through the other...
I N a new depot which Arthur Batty, Ltd., has opened in Marsh Street, off Manchester Road, Bradford,are combined facilities for...
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A LTHOUGH the number of operators I - 1 of battery-electric vehicles in the London area is not large, it is a noteworthy fact...
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T HE latest issue of the Ministry of Transport Returns shows that there are now 4,674 electrically propelled goods vehicles in...
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T HERE are more commercial vehicles running on 32 x 6 M.D. tyres than on any other, so the following facts and figures should...
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F OR house-to-house . and shop-toshop delivery work in fairly limited areas, the electric vehicle has the strongest claims to...
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F ROM a perusal of other sections of this issue it will be made clear that, for a variety of purposes, the battery-electric,...
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the imaginative mind numerous desirable characteristics are called up by the word "Superpoise." It suggests, for example,...
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AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS COMPANY LTD., LEAMINGTON SPA, ENGLAND damper, drives the +camshaft; in the oil system is a floating intake...
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O wING to the stable nature of their trade, it is frequently possible for co-operative societies to take the long view in the...
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IT has always been particularly important that the operating cost of electric vehicles should be assessed on a proper • basis,...
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A 2i-cubic-yd. Machine With Singlecylindered Two-stroke Oil Engine I N addition to its well-known range of road rollers and...
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P OTENTIAL operators of batteryelectric vehicles and all those interested in the application of electricity to road transport,...
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F OR over a century and a half, Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire, has been asso ciated with steel works. Its natural resources led to...
A PETROL-ELECTRIC brazing hearth that will save costs in the repair shop by eliminating starting delays, will maintain a steady...
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A GAS PRODUCER UNREPRESENTED AT SWANSEA. W E have to draw your attention to a deficiency in the information presented to the...
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E. Twin-ram Gear on a Chassis of Unusual Design A RECENT purchase by T. F. Nash Construction, Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex, is an...
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CASE LAW SYSTEM PROVIDES A CHARTER. Mr. Henry Backhouse, junr., in an address to the Liverpool C.M.U.A. Luncheon Club, on...
A FEW days ago a letter appeared in The Times, from the pen of Mr. Ernest Short, general secretary of the British Railway...
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A.R.O., which last year had a passenger operator as its chairman, in Mr. J. J. Granter, of Upton, this year has a haulage...
W E recently made inquiries from the Government of Northern Ireland concerning the procedure for coaches visiting that country....
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Is "CHEAP AND OFTEN" L IKE most people', I regard personal observations as impertinent, and most of my haulier friends with ....
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT POLICE CRITICIZED AT LEAMINGTON D EFENDING in a case at Leamington, on Monday last, a solicitor alleged...
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A S reported in our issue dated April 7, Brighton Corporation introduced its new buses on April 1, and, by Whitsun, the new...
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T HE developments which have been made during the past few years in electric vehicles of the battery type have been due,...
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T HE . aim of countless inventors has been the infinitely variable gear, and the latest trend appears to be the epicyclic type...