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I T would be far from the policy of this journal to scoff at an organization as honest and hardworking as the Royal Society for...
What Makes a Balance OMPANY reports and Sheet Balance, Asks Sir `•-• accounts usually make Graham extremely dull reading. This...
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Hears— Of the " Thames" climbing Bug Hill. , That many people have been wondering where London's river had gone. • Of the...
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U NDER a Bill introduced by Mr. D. Morrissey, Eire Minister for Industry and Commerce, road, rail and canal services now...
L OCAL control of local passenger transport is essential to the development of the locality and the proper implementation of...
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QUPPORT for the demand made by " The Commercial Motor," on October 7, for an early Parliamentary debate on transport, with...
A STEP towards the development of grouping• amongst free hauliers in the West Riding was taken last week at a meeting of the...
T RADE and industry must be brought to realize that the free hauliers would not he wiped out by nationalization and that 'they...
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M R. K. •R. HONORE, M.A., -chief ' mechanical engineer Of the British Thornson-Houston Co.:, :Ltd.... h55' been • appointeda...
thing in Ulster. A LTHOUGH fares by rail cost less than by road; an increasing number ` of people was choosing road transport,...
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" R OAD haulage liaison cRnnot solve all the difficulties created by the Transport Act, but it does at least allot' for...
CTION to settle the disputed status Pl.of clearing houses under the Transport Act was foreshadowed by Mr. Harold Firth,...
D ETAILS have been released exclusively to The Commercial Motor" of a new three-wheeled battery-electric van which is being...
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S "E• penetrating questions have been put by Mr. George Read, head of Peterborough Motors, Ltd., a prominent haulage and...
P RODUCTION advanced from 3,175 commercial vehicles a week in July to 3,996 a week in the four-week period of August. Output...
V JEHICLE exports for August were V somewhat lower than the totals for previous months, largely because of holidays It is...
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I MPROVEMENTS in British Railways freight services and future plans were outlined last week by Mr. David Mee and Mr....
THE need for an adequate fleet of semi-trailers so as to exploit the use of the motive units was stressed by Mr. A. H. Thomas,...
THE importance of using first-class insulating material, and the desirability of employing light alloys in body construction,...
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By a Special Correspondent Aiming at Creating an Efficient and Reliable Transport System for Holland, the State Stepped in and...
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first-hand impressions of the inadequacy of the South Wales road system, die British Road Federation recently conducted a...
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Specially Designed for Local Deliveries, the Morris-Commercial Occupies Little Road Space, has Large Carrying Capacity, is...
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in New Road Book A NEW and most comprehensive load book has been produced by Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., 346, Kensington...
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• gorviE time ago I received a notice of acquisition and S OME served my notice of withdrawal under Section 40 (2) of the...
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1925 had formed London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., decided to contribute the substantial capital needed to build Victoria Coach...
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The Cheapest is Not Alititys the Best. Trouble Awaits the Operator Who Places Insurance Business Badly and Neglects to Check...
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.M ANY new features to prolong the life of the chassis and electrical components are included in the specification of the new...
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Political Commentary By JAN US 'r ° B°D Yw f lld describe t he wages structure in he road haulage industry aisimpleithasben...
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Problems Brig. - Gen.Si r Osborne M ance Delivers H is Presidential Address to the Institute of Transport " T HE segregation...
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T HE rear platform of a .passenger service vehicle is subjected to considerable wear caused by passengers' feet, and when it...