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S OUND engineering—and n o nonsense—i s the foundation of this Year's Commercial Motor Show., Production costs are too high and...
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T HE British Road Federation have rendered a great service in focusing world attention on the need for imaginative action to...
Electric Power from Sunshine T HE charging of the batteries of electric vehicles by sunshine may seem futuristic, but at...
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That this Commercial Motor Show is the largest ever staged in Britain, and this Show issue of The Commercial Motor beats all...
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7 -7 11E largest Commercial Motor Show ever held since • Me series began at Olympia in 1907, will open at Earls Court, London,...
T HE future of collective bargaining in road haulage was at stake in the case between the National Joint Industrial Council and...
engine, known as the Mark II, is introduced today by F. Perkins, Ltd. It may be seen at the Commercial Motor Show on Stand...
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C OMMER and Karrier chassis fitted 1, - , with the new Rootes 2.26-litre oil engine will cost £150 mOre than petrolengined...
cent. of our 'road accidents happen in built-up areas--in those areas where there is conflict and congestion. . . . A logical...
debate in the House of Commons last week, Mr. R. Gresham Cooke (Con., Twickenham) said that if oil tankers had to go round the...
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MR. C. T. HOLMES has been appointed Midland area public service vehicle representative of British Belting and Asbestos, Ltd....
A DVICE to employers who discovered inaccuracies in then drivers' log sheets was given by the Hull stipendiary magistrate last...
T HE Newtondrive two - pedal control system, as fitted to the Standard 6-cwt. chassis shown on Stand 71 at Earls Court, was...
F IVE different types of fire appliance will be shown by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at the conferences of the Institute of Fire...
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FOR the second time in less than eight 1 months, Messrs. Brimblecombe Bros., Wokingham, have been ordered by the South Eastern...
T H need to attract young people to coach tours to Scotland was stressed by Mr. James Amos, chairman of Scottish Omnibuses,...
T HE first of a number of German' buses has been delivered in Dallas, Texas, for operation by the Continental Trailways Bus...
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A N attempt by a small coach com pany to reopen excursion and tour operations from an area in which they sold out to Ribble...
A N application by E. H. Simms, Ltd., Sheffield, for new excursions and tours startin g from the centre of the city aroused...
T HE absolute prohibition of waitin g vehicles on important routes durin g peak periods was g iven as an example ot " drastic "...
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B.T.C. Resist A to B Grants THE British Transport Commission objected "very strongly indeed" to the grant of A licences for...
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R EFLYJNG to the Traders' Road Transport Association's protest (The Commercial Motor last week) against what they regarded as...
A FTER pleading guilty to charges of embezzling £1,726 from his employers, Birch Bros., Ltd., Henry Ernest Anthony, 23...
, A SPECIAL committee decided last week to recommend Stoke-on-Trent City Council to approve in principle the • ,formation of a...
A NEW scheme for renting heavy goods and passenger vehicles is announced today by Mr. G. D. Shellabear. Hanover Court, Hanover...
L'EAR of fuel rationing because of "the present world situation" was expressed by the Labour group of Glasgow City Council last...
W E regret to announce the deaths of PROF. A. M. Low, MAJ. GUSTAV RENW ICK and MR, A, E. Escorr. Prof. Low, who was famous for...
L ACK of a Forth road bridge has become a "first-class national scandal" and costs Scotland at least £1m. year. Losses because...
WHEN a lorry owner hires his vehicle VV to a customer for the carriage of goods under the customer's direction, it is, under...
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f N a reserved decision, the North I Western Licensin g Authority has g ranted applications by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd.,...
T HE chairman of the Yorkshire Licensin g Authority, Maj. F. S. Eastwood, at Leeds last week, refused after two hours to...
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CUBSIDIES were among the wide range of subjects discussed during the Municipal Passenger Transport Association Conference, at...
T HE Western Licensing Authority last week authorized Shcrgold and White, Ltd., Salisbury, to ruo a service from Bulford Camp,...
breaks of foot and mouth disease in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Nottinghamshire and Wales, officials of the Ministry of...
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RAFFIC engineers from 30 countries, industrial executives and representatives from local authorities, Governmtnt departments...
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at last By R. Morton Mitchell, D.P.A., S.S.C., M. Inst. T. O NE could almost claim that not at any time in the past has road...
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B.R.S. Network By Maj.-Gen. G. N. Russell, C.B., C.B.E., Minst.T. When I was invited to write on the methods used in British...
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W HAT is believed to be the. largest concentration of commercial vehicle s, earth-moving equipment , and machinery ever seen in...
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Affect Design? R AISING the speed limit for " heavies " from 20 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. would be an official sanction of accepted...
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B y introducing the Newton centri- fugal clutch and a solenoid control unit with its switch on the gear lever, the Standard...
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Says P. G. Tucker T HE opening this yea' of a ,E4m. factory at Letchworth by Borg-Warner, Ltd., for the production of...
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By Our Legal Adviser THE Road Traffic Act, 1956, makes some interesting changes in the law relating to disqualification for...
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THE choice of Mr. Peter Thorneycroft, M.P., President of the Board of Trade, to open the Commercial Motor Show today is...
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CHEMES PAY A T the close of my previous article, 1 mentioned that the haulier who invented the scheme relating to bonus...
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A LL the latest and best British commercial vehicles will be seen at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, which opens at...
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T RAILER exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show reflect the growing popularity of the articulated vehicle. Below, the ex h i...
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O PERATORS visiting the Commercial Motor Show during the coming week will have a wide variety of bodywork from which to choose....
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X TEHICLES in the demonstration park at V Earls Court include several new models of which there are no duplicates on the...
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S IGNIFICANT developments have been made in tyre construction since the 1954 Show, and probably the greatest of these is the...
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D RIVERS of commercial vehicles were praised for their courtesy by Lord Provost George Stephen, Aberdeen, when he handed over...
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M UCH is to be said in favour of the occasional trips organized for the purpose of letting M.P.s and other notabilities inspect...
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T HE decision of the Portsmouth Transport Committee to recommend to the City Council in the near future, the abolition of the...
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P ATENT No. 753,432 Sennfelt, Rua dos Fanqueiros 15, 3°, Lisbon, Portugal), discloses a design for a spark-ignited engine...