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No Attack On Ancillary Users—b.t.c. Chief
R EFLYJNG to the Traders' Road Transport Association's protest (The Commercial Motor last week) against what they regarded as prejudicial references to C-licence vehicles in the......
' Embezzled 11,726:' Clerk Sent To Jail
A FTER pleading guilty to charges of embezzling £1,726 from his employers, Birch Bros., Ltd., Henry Ernest Anthony, 23 Buckingham Close, Enfield, was last week sent to jail for......
North Staffs Bus Plan Goes Forward
, A SPECIAL committee decided last week to recommend Stoke-on-Trent City Council to approve in principle the • ,formation of a road passenger transport authority to be run by......
New Rental Scheme For Heavy Vehicles
A NEW scheme for renting heavy goods and passenger vehicles is announced today by Mr. G. D. Shellabear. Hanover Court, Hanover Street, London, W.1. Industrial Rentals, Ltd.,......
Glasgow To Keep Trams: , "world Situation"
L'EAR of fuel rationing because of "the present world situation" was expressed by the Labour group of Glasgow City Council last week when a proposal that the city's trams should......
W E regret to announce the deaths of PROF. A. M. Low, MAJ. GUSTAV RENW ICK and MR, A, E. Escorr. Prof. Low, who was famous for his versatility as a scientist, was president of......
Lack Of Bridge Costs Yearly
L ACK of a Forth road bridge has become a "first-class national scandal" and costs Scotland at least £1m. year. Losses because cf traffic congestion in the Clyde region amount......
Hiring Is "carriage For Reward"
WHEN a lorry owner hires his vehicle VV to a customer for the carriage of goods under the customer's direction, it is, under the new Eireann Road Transport Act, work for reward.......