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T HE FRANKFURT motor show might well be seen by a British operator as being a bit of an irrelevance. After all, much of what...
IT IS ONE YEAR since CM allowed truck manufacturers to fit their standard aerodynamic equipment to road test vehicles. Since...
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LE SLUMP in international ch travel has taken its toll one of Britain's bestawn coach companies, 'Irans of Plymouth. t was...
LE GOVERNMENT plans make liberalisation of road lige a major priority in Common Market, Transt Secretary Nicholas Ridtold the...
The GLC has conceded that trailers need not be modified to gain exemptions from its forth( liming night and wo...kenal lorry ban.
In our first look at the F national conference, we give you the highlights of the roam speeches.
Ford and lo have confirmed that they are Cooperating on future vehicle di:A - divine/1
liFT's 'United Transport plans to develoj) its American .and Fairopean interests to compensate for probleMS iii SOUth Attica.
An American professor Ilas predicted that some Corm of regtilatum will follow the first yeart; cxpi;rieni-t, b us...
Rciraiilt Truck Industries Is considering selling a nul ds lotagliton-coliverted IL)odgc 5l/ 4x4 thron;., , ,ii its dealer...
New Becithrd and FRI (ix2 tractive units Wcrc WI Veiled at thc Brewery . fransport Advisory ti;ounnittee trials last weekend. 8
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FH1S WEEK'S Freight Transport Association (FTA) conference featured some significant speeches. As a taster to our full report...
OPERATORS do not have to modify their trailers to get exemption permits for the London lorry ban, the Greater London Council...
THE WORDING of newspaper advertisements for operator licensing applications could be changed soon. This has emerged even...
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RD AND IVECO may re components with their Ulcers working together joint development pros, from the beginning of t year. ord of...
THE DEPARTMENT of Transport has again refused to allocate funds for research into wheel stud failure. In a letter to...
FORD of Europe's chairman, Robert Lutz, has attacked EEC governments for "inconsistent" attitudes towards Japanese car and...
IS TOO LATE now to cr a Ford Transit van. be last orders for the old nsit are now being built at d's Southampton van plant...
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UNITED Transport International, the BET Group's road transport holding company, plans to increase its European and United...
AN IMAGE of smelly lorries is being used in an anti-Channel tunnel advertising campaign by the ferry companies' consortium,...
A WEST M I) LANDS haulier has elected to be tried by jury in connection with allegations of forgery and false pretences...
result at economy trials LAST weekend's Cord Goddard fuel economy tri at the Motor Industry I search Association (M112...
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THE PARIS-BASED European sales and marketing arm of Land Rover — Leyland International has a new managing director. Owen Quinn...
MICHAEL HALEY, commercial manager, Europe, with freight forwarder Baxter Hoare for the past 18 months, is to be managing...
JOHN FARRANT is quitting his job as managing director of BRS Southern to take on the new post of managing director with...
THE NEWLY-FORMED Avon . Backstop Division of Avon Tyres is to have Dick Harris as its general manager. The Division will be...
NORMAN COOKE has been appointed operations engineer of Yorkshire Traction Company, based at Barnsley, from October 1. He...
EIGI IT new names have been added to the list of members of the Road Transport Industry Training Board. They are: B. Broughton...
GREATER Manchestt Transport's director of open tions Jack Thompson is ri tiring after 46 years in pub] transport. Thompson...
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IE WORDING of a form d for operator licensing qications has been criticised a leading transport lawyer. ohn Backhouse, who...
LONDON area hauliers are being asked to improve the compensation available to drivers who lose their HGV licence for health...
YORKSHIRE haulier's bid a new operator's licence is ng opposed by the Road ulage Association on two ainds. It argues that...
THE HIGH WYCOMBEbased international haulier and forwarder Cave Wood Transport is no longer part of the Tozer Kemsley Millbourn...
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FRENCH drivers in trouble with British police will soon be able to contact a French speaking UK solicitor for help, and there...
PARCELS CARRIER TNT is spending £2 million installing a computer system to link all its 28 depots to the company's computer...
HEAVY lorries contributed towards the bearing failure that shut London's Hammersmith Bridge in February last year, says the...
ECONOFREIGHT Train port has lost a challenge I the accuracy of weights four in a weight check at the Bo ton Spa, West Yorkshire...
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ZBAN BUS competition be followed by new relations. This was forecas.t Professor James Carmen the University of Califor. last...
NITED COUNTIES is the etc National Bus Company hsicliary to be split into taller operating units. From January 1 three smal...
'ECO is expected to introice additional bus and coach assis models for the British arket. It already reports significant les...
GARDNER is continuing its onslaught into the European bus market. Van Hool has installed a 61-ILXCT engine in an A120...
handle Van Hool back-up in OK CARLYLE WORKS, the engineering company within the National Bus Company's Midland Red group, has...
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RAIL-LINKED coach terminals, suburban minibuses and conductor-operated buses form the key parts of a 10year vision of future...
THE 1986/87 public transport expenditure limits for the new Passenger Transport Authorities in the metropolitan areas have been...
BELGIAN coachbuilder LAG has bought 100 per cent of the equity of its recently appointed British dealer, Viewbond.
THE FORTUNES of the Hestair parent company of both Duple and Dennis have improved with the news that the group's loss of...
METRO-CAM.M ELL We mann has won an £8.5 01 lion life-saving order for MCW Metroliner doubl deck coaches and 57 Men bus...
MERCEDES-BENZ says has no intention of bringi its compact 301 touring coa into Britain. Ft commissioned Ira Ii coachbuilder...
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JAULT Truck Industries valuating a 4x4 Dodge cries S66 converted by ialist vehicle builder Reyds Boughton, of ersham,...
LAND ROVER is now offering a 6x6 version of its One Ten model. The 4.5 tonne GVW sixwheeler is based on a conventional 4x 4...
LS-ROYCE Motors has loped a commercial verof its naturally-aspirated /8 6.8-litre petrol engine use in rapid-intervention...
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TWO NEW British-built 6x2 tractive unit models were among the 33 vehicles competing at the Gordon Goddard fuel economy trials...
VOLVO has developed a charge-cooler by-pass system which cuts down engine noise during acceleration. FL7, FL10 and FlOs in...
NEW EEC legislation governing anti-lock brakes for commercial vehicles may be published before the end of this year, but there...
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Noel Millier reports some lively business at Earls Court B US and coach operators from all over Britain and many from...
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'ARGONAUT THERE are from time to time eferences made in Commercial Motor to arious technical terms, some of which re well...
,,,,, \ OW is the time to begin your studies for the next Royal Society of Arts examinations for the Certificate of Prossional...
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Volvo reckons that its new FL7 is so well sprung that it does not need to offer a suspended seat as standard. After a...
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When is the best time to change a vehicle? Answers will vary according to application, but there is a method which can give a...
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W 001)ALL Transport of Coleshill, Birmin , harn has .,,.. fleet of iast under 40 , vehicles, mostly tractive units....
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T H()12.1. 2 .1 - 1CAL calculations usuall , ,,, show that replacing ii vehicle Mien it is just one year old is not a good...
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B OB LUTZ, chairman of Ford of Europe, is not a man renowned for shyness: we hear that his subtle ways of getting his message...
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More commercials are changing hands at auction — and more auctions are taking place at operators' premises, John Durant...
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Raffaello Bacci has rapidly built an expanding and highly individual business out of contract hire. His contracts firm has...
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IF THERE was any doubt that the transport industry is steeped in the electronic age then last week's Frankfurt commercial...