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Glc's Dying Vision
RAIL-LINKED coach terminals, suburban minibuses and conductor-operated buses form the key parts of a 10year vision of future public transport from the doomed Greater London......
Revenue Support Cut For All Ptas
THE 1986/87 public transport expenditure limits for the new Passenger Transport Authorities in the metropolitan areas have been announced by Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley.......
Lag Buys Its British Dealer
BELGIAN coachbuilder LAG has bought 100 per cent of the equity of its recently appointed British dealer, Viewbond.......
Hestair Sees Recovery Ahead With Revamped Duple Range
THE FORTUNES of the Hestair parent company of both Duple and Dennis have improved with the news that the group's loss of £107,000 during the second half of last year has been......
£8.5m Nbc Oda For Mcw
METRO-CAM.M ELL We mann has won an £8.5 01 lion life-saving order for MCW Metroliner doubl deck coaches and 57 Men bus double-deck buses Ire the National Bus Company. The order......
M-b Stays Away From Britain
MERCEDES-BENZ says has no intention of bringi its compact 301 touring coa into Britain. Ft commissioned Ira Ii coachbuilder Padane produce the bodywork a: fittings. Twenty-eight......