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TN no other city in the world are the drivers -Iof buses and taxicabs required by regulation to work under such uncomfortable...
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I N compiling chassis specifications, one of the ' difficulties found is in connection with the term "chassis weight," • the...
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On the moors the snow came swirling down. "This is a judgment on me," said the driver in the unprotected Cab. "Many a time as...
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" The wheels of wealth wilt be slowed by all difficulties 67 transport a whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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LOWESTOFT Corporation has authorized the purchase of a Ford motor lorry . for the works department. BEDFORD Corporation...
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Some Useful Suggestions by a Bodybuilding Expert who Attaches Much Importance to the Finish and Character of the...
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A LTHOUGH in the main fire-engine products are standard in design, there are occasions when the individual requirements of...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Canadian Production Statistics. IN...
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Technical Description and Road Trial of a Well-equipped Vehicle which Conforms with the Requirements of Scotland Yard. F OR...
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and low-lying nature of a large area of the county of Norfolk has made it a district eminently suitable for the growTIME-SAVING...
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Brief Comments upon Important Points which were Raised and upon Evidence which we Consider to be Inconclusive. I T is of...
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from the COMMER WORKS. T MILE latest chassis from the old-estab1 fished Luton Works of Commer Cars, Ltd., are the result of...
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of THE MULTI-CYLINDERED ENGINE. T HE first portion of Lids article was published in our issue for last week. It began by...
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W EN .battery and coil ignition is utilized for the enginesof vehicles there is the possibility of the engine stopping just at...
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The Interesting Karrier CYR Model, Designed to Give Maximum Body Space With a Minimum Overhang an d Without Sacrificing...
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VOR a long time past, the 22 organizations repots seating all classes of motor user and the ino trade have been preparing a...
13rown. Bros., Ltd., has just opened a nevv branch at 31, Adelaide Street, Belfast. Edmonton, with a population of 75,000...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. NIGHT TRAVEL BETWEEN MANCHESTER AND LONDON. Some Details of an...
Brief Information Relating to the Bus Activities of the Corporation and of the Chief Private Companies. T HE operation of...
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Brief Details of the Progress Made by the Municipal Transport Undertaking in Zurich. T HE engineer of the undertaking running...
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W E have had occasion in the past to draw attention to the good performances which have been put ,up by Thoreyeroft...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. . [2716] Sir,—In your issue of the 25th ult. you refer to the multi-storey garage, stating...
127171 a recent number of your excellent paper we notice that in the resume of recentpatents you have included our toggle brake...
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• The Editor, TEE Comm - 611ml. Moues. [27181 Sir,—In regard to the bus-traffic position in IT1ster, as referred tom a recent...
T "manufaclure of valves for the petrol engines employed in commercial vehicles is so important that it is becoming almost a...
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. A Useful Indicator for Country Buses. E...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. O ND of the difficulties that the designer has had to deal with in the...