22nd January 1929, Page 32
22nd January 1929
Page 32

Page 32, 22nd January 1929
The F.w.d. Brake - Booster: The Editor, The Commercial...
127171 a recent number of your excellent paper we notice that in the resume of recentpatents you have included our toggle brake gear. Unfortunately, in describing this, the main......
The.bus Position In Ulster.
• The Editor, TEE Comm - 611ml. Moues. [27181 Sir,—In regard to the bus-traffic position in IT1ster, as referred tom a recent issue of your journal, you do not appear to have......
Some Interesting Points In Valve Design.
T "manufaclure of valves for the petrol engines employed in commercial vehicles is so important that it is becoming almost a specialized trade. Many new processes have been......