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T HE manner in which successive Governments have shirked their responsibilities in connection with thern roads of this country...
I IsT every copy of this issue are included, as a free supplement, The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs. These...
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The Battery. electric THERE is no doubt that the Vehicle Increasing in I battery-electric vehicle is Popularity . . . . making...
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OVER 500,000 COMMERCIAL MOTORS LICENSED. At the end of November, 1936, 445.825 licences were current for goods vehicles and...
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Glasgow Transport Department has decided to recommend the corporation to place contracts for 100 double-deck oil-engined...
I.ORD HIRST continues, - this year, in the position of President of the Federation of British Industries, his nomination by...
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On appeal, the Minister of Health has upheld York City Council's refusal to grant permission for the erection of a garage for...
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That traders must have complete freedom of choice in obtaining the exact class of transport to suit their needs, was the...
Rates Stabilization T WO new moves are being made on the question of the organization of rates stabilization in the Yorkshire...
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That the .Bedford Drivers' Club has a membership approaching 30,000, was announced by Mr. F. C. Davis, president of the Newport...
T HE importance of electric vehicles as a practically untapped field for the electricity-supply undertakings. which at present...
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I NSTEAD of becoming clearer, the position with regard to Associated Road Operators and the merger seems to grow more...
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T HE battery-electric vehicle is a type of machine welt suited to the requirements of house-to-house collection or delivery...
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IN our issue for last week we gave I•figures indicating the advance in new vehicles registered in November, 1936, compared •...
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A NOTHER year of disquiet and uncertainty has closed for the road-transport industry. In many quarters it was hoped that the...
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C.M.U.A. Silent on Merger Issue LANCS HAULIERS SUPPORT A.R.O. It is understood that haulier members of A.R.O. East...
A LETTER has been sent from A.R.O. Yorkshire Area headquarters to the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority (Mr. E. Russell...
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It is understood that the Birmingham Sub-area, the Western Area Regional Committee and Frome Sub-area of A.R.O have passed...
"Tells the World" " D GAD-TRANSPORT progress must not be stopped in the interests of the shareholders of the railway...
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E. D AR Mr. Haulier, Passenger-vehicle Operator and Friends,— You will find, enclosed with this issue of The Commercial Motor,...
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Retail Trades Call for Wages Control R EFERENCES to antagonism to trade unionism on the part of certain concerns in the...
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A N employer must see that a driver has the statutory period "for rest," but need not ensure that he uses his rest time for...
F EARS that, as a quid pro quo for the provision by the L.N.E. Railway Co. of improved facilities for timber importers at Hull...
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T AKING into account 30 vehicles operated by several subsidiary companies, Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., the noted glass-making...
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and QUERIES HARSH TREATMENT WHICH DESERVES AN IMPARTIAL INQUIRY. [4965] I have perused with great interest the letter from...
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er0 combine the advantages and to eliniinate the faults of the two-stroke and fourLstroke types of internalcombustion engine...
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Passenger Transport PRICE OF FORMING STAFFS BOARD A FIGURE of 24,400 per bus, in1 - 1.. eluding stocks, buses, garages and...
T HE fact that an American White "pancake "-engined bus has been imported into this country by Leyland Motors, Ltd., for...
S EVEN coach undertakings, coordinated for certain services as Associated Motorways, applied before the North-Western Traffic...
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H ENDON garage of London Trans/port is to be allocated 100 new Leyland buses of the latest type, which will provide new fleets...
er HE North-Western Traffic Commis1 sioners have refused to sanction a scheme of return fares submitted to them in November by...
south-east Lancashire are to be examined by a special committee, which was appointed at a conference held in Manchester, on...
L AST week the 1 - ugh Court dismissed a contract-carriage case. Mr. J. R. G. Dell, of Lye Green, Chesham (Bucks), trading as...
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PERFORMANCE DF FORDSCYN 25-CWT. LORRY A POWER-TO-WEIGHT ratio of over 1 b.h.p. per cwt. is high for any vehicle of more than...
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A NOVEL deice of Continental origin is shown in patent No. 457,908, by E. Grote, 5, Carmerstrasse, Berlin-Charlotteiaburg,...
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0 LD readers of The Commercial Motor as well as new, those who are familiar with these Tables as well as those to whom they...