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100 Leylands For London
H ENDON garage of London Trans/port is to be allocated 100 new Leyland buses of the latest type, which will provide new fleets for the 13, 28, 52, 83, 113, 121 and 183 routes.......
Big Loss On Rejected "returns" Plan?
er HE North-Western Traffic Commis1 sioners have refused to sanction a scheme of return fares submitted to them in November by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. Ordinary return......
Lancs Merger Discussions Reopened P Ossibilities Of A...
south-east Lancashire are to be examined by a special committee, which was appointed at a conference held in Manchester, on Tuesday. The conference was attended by re,......
Operator Wins "contract" Case
L AST week the 1 - ugh Court dismissed a contract-carriage case. Mr. J. R. G. Dell, of Lye Green, Chesham (Bucks), trading as Rover Bus Services, was the respondent to an appeal......