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F EW important developments in road transport engineering have been so bedevilled by ignorance, prejudice and discrimination as...
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TIT the rapid development of atomic power and accelerated progress in the application of electronics and quantity-production...
A Real One-man Bus A LOCAL resident has applied to the Licensing " Authority for permissiou to operate a bus service in the...
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Let him that thinketh that he standeth take heed when the bus stops. From a reader inquiring as to the record " low " for a...
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NORMAL-USER CONDITION G RANTING an A licence, last week, for an oiler to replace an old petrol vehicle at the Carleton...
certitude that the 1 road programme will not be affected in any major way by the Macmillan f.100m. economy cuts, writes our...
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A WARNING to applicants for special A licences on the dangers of " operating unauthorized vehicles was given by Mr. J. A. T....
G UARDED admissions of shortcomings in the supply of spares have been made by certain vehicle manufacturers following a...
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MR. F. M.orrtx, Preston Transport Department's traffic superintendent, has been appointed deputy general manager at...
T ESTS taken in a London Transport I garage, where the oil engines of 200 buses were started up and left running. had failed to...
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A N insurance company was liable tti 1— indemnity, the Court of Appeal decided on Tuesday, in a case in which a load was stolen...
T HE Western Licensing Authority's attitude towards bus services to factories was outlined on Tuesday when Mr. G. D. Leason,...
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A FORM of passenger transport board for Brighton, Hove, Portslade, r - k Southwick and Shoreham has been recommended by...
A T Derbyshire Assizes last week, Eric Earles Bamford, director of several haulage companies, was sentenced to seven years'...
IT was impossible to predict the longI term consequences of proposed legislation on restrictive practices, said Mr. E. Powell,...
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to be accepted by bus workers, ‘-• Mr. Frank Coyle, trade group secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union, told...
L AST Friday marked a new phase in the overseas programme of Leyland Motors, Ltd.. when a plant was opened at Aalsmeer,...
S EVEN improvement schemes to remove bottlenecks have been announced by the Ministry of Transport. Work has started on the...
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A N increase in the number of private vehicles, including bicycles. is blamed by Belfast Transport Department for a drop in...
A N increase in fares will shortly have to be considered by Liverpool Corporation, whose deficit on a full year's working is...
W HEN Mr. J. V. Chamberlayne, Bristol, applied to the Western Licensing Authority on Monday to operate a 10-cwt. vehicle,...
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A PLAN to erect iron railings to block side roads where they crossed the major routes leading into the centre of Glasgow, was...
lyjoRK. will begin next month on WY the foundations of what Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission,...
"THis is an unusual case, but we I realize we are dealing with a responsible haulier and that it will save work. That is an...
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By C. S. Dunbar, M.Inst.T. Municipal and Company Co-operation—Part.3 Concluding his series on arrangements that certain...
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COMMERCIAL vehicles were pro duced at the rate of 6.395 a week during April. compared with a weekly average of 7.081 for the...
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Latest Thornycroft 6-tonner Puts up Lively Performance During Road Test: New Oil Engine Develops 80 b.h.p. at 2,600 By...
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F LUORESCENT lighting in the workshop could give the impression that moving machinery or belts were stationary, or moving much...
58th Public Cleansing .Conference at Eastbourne last week. There were also delegates from Antwerp, Dar-es-Salaam, British...
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O PEN1NG the discussion on Mr. J. Scott's paper on oil en g ines, Mr. C. V. Rawnsley (Thurrock) said that the adoption of...
IN the discussion on Mr. J. Ames' I paper, " Mechanizin g Small Tips," it was clear that some cleansing officers were not...
A LTHOUGH this was the first time that earth-moving equipment has been shown at these conferences, there were many vacant seats...
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How W. and C. French, Ltd., Operators of Over 1,000 Vehicles, Ensure Maximum Transport Availability Under Varied and Difficult...
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Worthy of His Hire G RADE 2 wages sound inferior in every way, and not merely financially. The campaign for their elimination,...
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Is a Special Town Bus Needed? T HE controversial paper by Mr. W. M. Little, B.Sc., on the subject of the " throw-away " bus,...
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M ANY familiar names appear again this week in the lists of buyers and assignors of transport units. Some of the transfers of...
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T "South Eastern Licensing Authority's refusal to hear an application by a coach operator is being contested by the Passenger...
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An Argument ,with Hauliers Who were Worried About Rates: Inflexible Standards Impracticable / HAD the luck. tho other day, to...
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DARTIAL success has been gained by 1 C. Bristow, Ltd., Solebay Street, London, E.3, in their appeal to the Transport Tribunal...