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'HE Freight Transport Association president, Malcolm Banks, was right to ring to the notice of officialdom the advantages of...
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ItEIGHT RATES to the Scottish Islands could be cut drastically ' the Government accepts some of the proposals advanced in a...
THERE are no figures which how that drawbar vehicles Teate congestion, according o Freight Transport Associaion Greater London...
THE CASE for heavier lorries has been advanced with force by leaders of both of the major road transport trade associations....
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"THERE IS no way those whose environment is damaged by the lorry can be adequately compensated by the polluter," according to...
GIVING oral evidence at the Armitage Inquiry this week, the Department ,of Transport forecast that over the next decade,...
ROAD HAULAGE alrem pays its way, and taxes shou not be increased, according Transport and Gener Workers Union commerci group...
SIR HAROLD WILSON is otu of the major speakers at nexi month's tipping Conventional Harrogate. The former Prime Ministel will...
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'HE LABOUR Government was last' veek accused of being too timid in its reight integration measures — by the )pposition's own...
LORRIES have an excellent road safety record which seldom hits the headlines. So said Road Haulage Association senior...
THE UNITED Road Transport Union's Arthur Hughes told Sir Arthur Armitage this week that he is opposed to heavier lorries. "One...
NEW COMMERCIAL vehicle sales continued to rocket ahead in February, with home and foreign manufacturers pushing the first two...
WHAT IF ? It is tempting to apply this all-purpos( question to the final proceedings of th( Committee which has been...
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MANCHESTER haulier has had his Operators Licence reAced in his absence. Mantex Haulage Ltd failed to turn up at North Western...
Driver on trial A STAFFORDSHIRE ownerdriver was committed for trial by Sheerness Magistrates last week after an incident...
CARTRANSPORT Ltd has won all Toyota cars throughout the U The Leamington-based NFC company will be responsible for delivering...
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PROVISIONAL figures issued by the Department of Transport show that the total number of road casualties in the second quarter...
TRANSPORT Development Group's results for 1979 are up an those for the previous year, despite the harmful effects of the road...
A NEW reference edition o specimen CEFIC Tremcards – the transport emergency dat; cards carried in chemical road vehicles — has...
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N EDINBURGH lorry driver who refused to take a load to evon because of problems with his lorry has had his unfair and...
;ISING clothing costs have reed Tibbett and Britten to ouble its insurance cover to 80 per garment. General sales and...
PEOPLE NATIONAL Bus Company has made several changes in senior staff resulting in Bruce Sellars being promoted to director of...
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THE GOVERNMENT aims to provisions in the Transport Bill Parliamentary Secretary for Transport Kenneth Clarke told the Committee...
PUBLIC TRANSPORT opera. tors must in future concen. trate on putting over the ides of access, rather than a seat on a bus,...
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kGAINST a background of mounting bus losses, the chances of in all-purpose transport authority for Dublin improved after the...
NITIAL results from an offleak fares experiment carried )ut by Northamptonshire 2ounty Council and National lus Company...
METROPOLITAN POLICE coach control at last year's Chelsea Flower Show in London led to a "marked improvement" in local traffic...
effective MEMBERS of the Confedera tion of British Road Passenge Transport (CPT) can nov benefit from a guide to costinf...
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A DUMFRIESSHIRE school bus service has been reprieved by the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, despite a poor maintenance record...
1US AND COACH sales for he first two months of the rear are up from last year's .029 to 1151, and foreign )uilders and...
IMPORTERS for Spanish In zar coach bodywork hayi appointed Wolverhampton ea and lorry dealer Bradburn an Wedge as...
WALLACE ARNOLD'S international express coach division Euroways Express Coaches Ltd, has published a new timetablE for its...
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EDDON ATKINSON has recorded the best profit performance [any International Harvester lorry plant. Seddon Atkinson's turnover...
INKTIP, the Telford based tipping gear and body specialists, as entered the 7.5 tonne (7.38 ton) gvw market. Previously the...
COMPLETELY new audible Tanking system, intended for se when long vehicles are arning or reversing, combines bleeper with a...
connected to the normal direction indicator circuit. To comply with legal requirements between the "silent" period of 11.30 pm...
DAF is to enter the UK diesel engine market by setting up DAF Diesel (GB) Ltd.
It is intended to supply UK manufacturing...
BROCKHOUSE Transmissions Ltd will be releasing details of it new C11/09 torque converter transmission at the Internationa...
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HUMBERSIDE Airport's new crash tender, based on the Unipower CT44 Angloco chassis and powered by a Cummins VT555 engine, has a...
NEARLY 2000 commercia vehicles have been recalle4 because of potentially fault: Kirkstall track rod ball pins. In its second...
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3teyr steers a co-operation course ST WEEK'S recognition by Bureau Permanent in Paris the commercial vehicle secof the Vienna...
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OMMER as a vehicle anufacturer came about beLuse of a gearbox. At the turn ' the century, the gearboxes use were somewhat...
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made light Pickfords has a number of Dodges u 0 Its sleeve, as David Wilcox discovers OF ALL THE NAMES in the NorId of road...
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A walk on the wild side A MALIGN FATE decreed that on the day London Transport gave free travel passes to successful entrants...
• • wins a prize HOW DOES farmer's sausagemeat hotpot tickle your palate? It consists of sausage meat, apple, bacon, onion,...
MY HEART went out to the officer in charge when I read that three Army learner-drivers in a convoy of seven had crashed their...
ON ANOTHER OCCASION I conducting an oral examinat c in simple mechanics. Whal, asked a gunner, was drawn in the combustion...
PROFESSOR Martyn Corte Hayes, head of the centre f transport studies at Cranf Institute of Technology, been awarded a grant of...
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Vaidstone Borough Council has gone for single-deckers in a big way, and its radically different policy has got results. Noel...
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The price of silence 'The Freight Transport Association has estimated that amenity lorry bans will cost operators £75m by the...
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MY HUSBAND, after reading the article in CM (August 31, 1979) entitled - Hard Study Needed for CPC'', decided to make the...
IT HAS COME to my notice that a number of transport managers (private and public) are adding water or steam to diesel engines....
I REFER to your editorial on the silent majority (CM February 23). To up-date you somewhat I should point out that our...
I was very interested to re the article by Brian Chalme Hunt "Transport 'Cuts' Sa Rates" (CM, January 5). I do r know whether...
HAVING READ your piece the late Lord Thomas (Birds e view, February 23) I feel y should have mentioned k autobiography Out on.a...
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by Graham Montgomeri THE ENTIRE transport world st know by now, the Leyland )dtrain has been formally aninced. It has very...
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Rare today ; the white co lar Transoort Salaried Staffs' Association is founded on good sense and realism and it knows how to...
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Dodge has installed a cationic electrophoretic paintshop at Dunstable. What-for? Bill Brock explains the process ODGE TRUCKS,...