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Booth Accuses Labour On Freight
'HE LABOUR Government was last' veek accused of being too timid in its reight integration measures — by the )pposition's own tranSport spokesman, Ubert Booth. Labour's proposals......
Lorries Play Safe
LORRIES have an excellent road safety record which seldom hits the headlines. So said Road Haulage Association senior vice-chairman Ken Rogers when he spoke in Leicester......
Optimum Lorries?
THE UNITED Road Transport Union's Arthur Hughes told Sir Arthur Armitage this week that he is opposed to heavier lorries. "One would think that we are up to the optimum size,"......
Sales Still Rising
NEW COMMERCIAL vehicle sales continued to rocket ahead in February, with home and foreign manufacturers pushing the first two months' sales up by over 5000, according to the......
Westm Nster Haul
WHAT IF ? It is tempting to apply this all-purpos( question to the final proceedings of th( Committee which has been considerinf the Transport Bill. What, to put it in full, if......