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W E have observed, here and there, tendencies to form local haulage associations. This, we believe, is a most unfortunate...
T HAT the influence of speed on accidents has evoked more bitter controversy and muddled thinking than any other factor, is a...
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O NE of the most valuable papers at the Birmingham Congress of the Institute of Transport is that by the well-known solicitor,...
Buying Second1-1 . Area of Associated Road hand Vehicles . . . Operators mentions a difficult problem in connection with the...
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Of a tipping-gear manufacturer who has not received a singk -order for a spare part for nearly a year. That the latest...
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The Board of Trade returns for April, 1936, show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported...
" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
Stark Rebukes Railway Company " T WOULD like to warn the railway 1 companies, when they insist on books being examined, that...
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R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80, Grafton' Street, Liverpool, has recently added to its range of products a 12-14ton...
MR. R. W. SEWILL, national director of A.R.O., has made a good recovery from his recent operation for appendicitis and has now...
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There will be an excellent array of municipal vehicles and appliances at the exhibitiort and demonstration to. be held at the...
A PETITION signed by several other hauliers was presented to Sir William Hart, Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, at York,...
r OMPLAINTS concerning the rates of payment to hauliers employed by Bradford Corporation were made during a discussion on rates...
A RISING out of the movement to .stabilize road-haulage rates in the Yorkshire Traffic Area, a small but influential...
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The fact that speedier delivery is effected by road than by rail is not, in itself, proof that railway facilities are...
Blackpool Corporation is buying two refuse collectors. Keighiey Corporation is purchasing a Dennis re-engine. Glasgow...
is now delivering to the War Department a fleet of 32 Marshal six-wheeled chassis of the type illustrated on this page. These...
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Commencing June 3 and continuing to about the end of July, the Wands orth Technical Institute, High Street, London, SW. 18, is...
Leeds Street Lighting Department has recently placed in service a Karrier tower wagon,. which is illustrated on this page, for...
In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent PROVISIONS OF THE FINANCE BILL. • HE Finance Bill has three...
IN asking the Home Secretary the cost in man hours of the drive which the police are taking against motorists in the...
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Manchester Agreement Disputed recent agreement, which was r expected to solve the wages and other problems in Manchester and...
Tentative arrangements have been made for S.T,R., The Commer. ciat Motor costs expert, to deliver two lectures in the Midlands,...
TN an address to Southport Chamber .I. of Trade, Mr. T. H. Halsall, secretary of Southport Motor Coach Operators Association,...
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Transport of Liquids the Main Feature of the Business of the Crow Carrying Co., Ltd. A LondonNorthamptonRegular Service Also...
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states that a Bill to give the Minister of Transport final authority to license commercial road and air services in New Zealand...
branches of the motor industry is the rolling of steel sheets for panelling, etc. In this connection an innovation in drives...
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• R4sumes of Three Important Papers Submitted for Discussion on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the Birmingham Congress of...
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Efficient System of Transport By H. W. Payne, Principal Assistant fo Chief Goods Manager, Great Western Railway T HE bulk of...
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THIS paper is really a continuation of a review of the 1 Working of the licensing system set up under the Road Traffic Act,...
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Sc.heme Devised for Yorkshire Area that Could be Used as a Basis for National Action CTAI3ILIZRD haulage. rates, recomOmended...
He Deprecates Enforcement of Rates by Licensing Authorities and Conciliatory Approaches to the Railways A NY scheme to...
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How the Fleet Liaison System Helps the Small _User. Keeping a Check Upon Wastage and Minimizing Operating Costs By R. F. Hanks,...
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Specialized Products of British Timken, Ltd., Tapered-roller Bearings Are Widely Used in Automobile Chassis and for Industrial...
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A Number of Interesting Papers Presented to the National Safety Congress is Briefly Reviewed T "programme for the National...
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T HE inquirer whose letter originated this series of articles attended a meeting which I was addressing and brought with him...
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A LL the Macclesfield coach operators applied to the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, in Manchester, on Monday, for...
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T HE following are the latest results of municipal bus operatioe in the past municipal year:— OurtonamTrent. The traffic...
Rear mounted Electrical Equipment an Important Departure from Normal Practice in A.E.C.-E.E.C. Single-deckers D ESIGNED in...
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Title A CHESHIRE president was appropriately elected at the annual general meeting of the Furniture Warehousemen and Removers...
QOME form of standardization for furniture-removal vehicles and the possibilities of the bulk purchase of various supplies were...
T HAT there was too much rule from London and too much licensing were the contentions of the Mayor of Chester (Councillor T....
T'11-1E revised agreement regarding 1 wages and working conditions in the removal industry, summarized in The Commercial...
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and QUERIES The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be...
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Types that are Required by the Authorities and Private Individuals INDICATIONS are to hand of a 'definite improvement in the...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications A COMPLETE outfit for loading and unloading goods containers from an...