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T HE case of Coupar. Transport (London), Ltd., v. Smiths (Acton), Ltd., in which Mr. Justice Winn expressed astonishment at the...
A Lorry Debagged W HILE a member of the staff of this journal was proceeding along the North Circular Road and following a...
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" Don't heedlessly force other drivers to brake." That soon it will be a Valentine Day in London every day. That Ribble do...
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F UEL economy rivalling that of an oil engine of comparable horse-power, and superior to that of a petrol engine under most...
decision, following ‘ , -- 1 a public inquiry, into the affairs of Oakleys . (London and Scottish) Transport, Ltd. (The...
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A RTICULATED vehicles were doing three 200-mile journeys between Barrow-in-Furness and Liverpool in 24 hours and averaging 25...
After Suspens ion A N A licence, to take over a vehicle formerly operated irregularly, was granted by the Northern Licensing...
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MR. S. E. WILLETT has retired from the board of the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd. MR. STANLEY GOOD has been appointed West...
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n uR dearest wish would be to stop, playing the role of a political storm centre, and sometimes one is tempted to say to all...
A T last week's annual general meeting PI. of the Public Transport Association at Eastbourne, the chairman, Mr. T. R. Williams,...
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A LTHOUGH insulated or refrigerated PA vehicles are not essential for shortdistance haulage of margarine, the commodity...
r ROWING competition in the battery LI industry, particularly in the markets for motor vehicles and works trucks, is again...
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IF one operator was allowed to pick up I passengers at their hotels, naturally other companies would apply for similar...
T O replace two small depots in Bristol, and a third at Clevedon, A. Pack ham and Co., Ltd., have opened a large warehouse and...
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HE increase in staff wages made last I October would cost £197,000 a year —said Mr. E. S. Fay, QC., and was the main reason...
DI BBLE MOTOR SERVICES, LTD., IX were refused a new picking-up point near the Corporation car park, Heysham, at a Blackpool...
A VEHICLE of 21 tons had travelled to the limit of its radius not fully loaded whilst customers' goods for the same area could...
T O ensure better facilities for their passengers, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., proposed to move their existing picking-up...
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A N application for increased express bus fares which would yield £42,000, was withdrawn by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.. before...
A COACH operator who had been rTh.operating only since January told the Northern Traffic Commissioners at Stockton on Tees last...
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p RODUCERS of frozen foods are insisting upon higher standards in the transport of their goods. Corisequently, there is today a...
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p OINTS put forward by Mr. A. J. White, general manager of Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd.; in a paper to the...
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COME coach drivers in the Midlands were holding kJ a meeting to discuss the formation of a trade-union branch when they heard...
PI. A LIGHT snowfall of only 1 in. will result in approximately 360 tons of snow being deposited on a mile of threelane...
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THE " Continentals have rather different ideas about vehicle construction from we British, and an early problem facing those...
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VOUR leading article (May 8) on the provision of 1 . maintenance facilities for. the - smaller Operator is timely. The primary...
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oracles are ambiguous, but there is no doubt about public opinion on the single issue of nationalization. The opinion polls...
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A N ingenious heavy-duty low-loadet has been built by an Australian haulier to overcome transport bottlenecks in...
T HE first two Birfield Industries, Ltd.. university scholarship awards were announced last week. The scholarships, of which up...
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Subsidy—Mr. Morton Mitchell I " F a subsidy is to be paid to the rail ways, let the Government be honest enough to call it a...
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If an Employee Wants the Use of His Chiefs Pick-up for a Domestic Task, a B Licence May Be Required W HEN an employer lends a...
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M ECHANICALLY, little can be done to clean up the exhaust of an oil engine or to improve its characteristics once the engine is...
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P ATENT No. 810,502 shows an injection system in which the functions of metering and pressurizing are separated. This permits a...