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Recognition For Mileage Scale?
HE increase in staff wages made last I October would cost £197,000 a year —said Mr. E. S. Fay, QC., and was the main reason behind the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus,......
Company Refused Feeder Service
DI BBLE MOTOR SERVICES, LTD., IX were refused a new picking-up point near the Corporation car park, Heysham, at a Blackpool hearing before the North Western Traffic......
To Radius Limit With Part Load
A VEHICLE of 21 tons had travelled to the limit of its radius not fully loaded whilst customers' goods for the same area could not be carried because the traffic did not come......
Ribble Picking-up Case Adjourned
T O ensure better facilities for their passengers, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., proposed to move their existing picking-up point from the Odeon Cinema, Morecambe, to the Ribble......