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• With the first Commercial Motor Workshop conference and exhibition being held in Coventry this week, much of our attention is...
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• The Transport & General Workers Union is teaming up with one of the largest road transport unions on the Continent in its...
• TIR hauliers could be barred from cross-channel ferries if they do not have documentary evidence of their vehicles' weights....
• The police are warning hauliers to beware of a gang of "expert" truck thieves operating in the Lancaster area, following the...
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• The Transport and General Workers Union has submitted its 1988 pay claims to the West and East Midlands Joint Industrial...
• Britain's highest-paid manager of a truck dealership earns £52,000 a year — double what most managers in the industry earn,...
• Bedford Trucks has won an 211 million order to supply the Ministry of Defence with 281 TM4-4 two-axle trucks for delivery...
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• The Government should be spending an extra 2135 million a year over the next five years on bridge repairs, as well as...
• Transport Development Group member Harris Distribution has won the contract to deliver goods for Comet, the electrical...
• The number of deaths on Britain's roads rose by 4% to 1,280 during the second quarter of this year over the same period last...
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• Truck operators regularly running into, and out of, the heart of Britain's motorway network are being offered a new roadside...
• Truck rental and contract hire company Chart Hire Services has teamed up with A S Baird of Newton Abbey, Northern Ireland, to...
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• British Road Services has won a £22.5 million contract hire/fleet takeover deal with Gateway Foodmarkets, just a week after...
• National Freight Consortium subsidiary Newsflow has won the contract td distribute the Star Sunday Sport, which was...
• McGregor Cory Distribution has bought 26 Leyland Daf FT2100 DHT tractive units worth some £0.75 million as part of a major...
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• To coincide with the launch of its F16 flagship (see page 53) Volvo has substantially revised its F10 and F12 models, and...
• Cummins Engines says its C-Series engine range, which has been available to bus and coach operators since last year's NEC,...
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• Sandbach-based truck builder ERF is now offering its 14-17 tonne GVW E6 two-axle rigid chassis with the option of SAF Type E...
• A range of crew cab conversions for some of the most popular light truck chassis is now available from York Transport...
• Anti-lock braking systems could become mandatory within two years on all heavy trucks and buses if new EEC proposals become...
• Two new products from Cummins are aimed at easing winter operation problems. The Cummins drivers' handbook published this...
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• Staffordshire haulier Michael Bailey Transport Services has been cleared of using a vehicle for which a higher rate of excise...
• Salford magistrates have decided that allegations concerning the falsification of tachograph records by drivers employed by...
• A fly-tipping lorry driver who rammed a building company's Land Rover which was blocking his escape has been ordered to pay a...
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• Drivers hours offences have cost Lancashire livestock hauliers H Smith & Son (Wardle) and four of its drivers a total of 2830...
• P & 0 subsidiary Pandoro and its driver William Freshney have been given absolute discharges by the Newbury magistrates after...
• Atlas Express's western traffic area licence has been renewed, but with a condition which bans vehicles from reversing out of...
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• British PSV manufacturers and bodybuilders were well to the fore in the midi-bus and coach sectors at last week's Coach and...
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In an ever changing market, with an ever increasing need for operators to respond to passengers demands and expectations,...
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• Leicester Citybus has suffered a £22,000 loss at the end of its first five months' trading to the end of March this year....
by. We have a sound base from which to expand and despite a minimal loss, we have been able to order new buses for the coming...
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• Britain's "quiet revolution" of bus deregulation has created better services for more than five million bus users according...
• The contract to operate a bus service for disabled passengers — including people in wheelchairs — linking central London...
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To call the Fiat Fiorino a practical, economical, reliable and very versatile small van would be half true. Stylish,...
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SIR TRAFIC NOT A DRAG IN I wish to raise some points on Andrew English's comments on fuel consumption and the aerodynamic...
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SIR white lines; no hills, no blind bends, cyclists or pedestrians. There will be cones down the middle and, usually good...
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BY THE HAWK • A series of successful attacks on underfloor safes is reported to have taken place at 30 business locations,...
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• Lowfield Distribution has no time for fuel additives to prevent winter waxing problems. "We've tried additives in the past,"...
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• Lowfield's managing director Rob Scribbens has an air of cautious optimism about him at the moment. "There is some light at...
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• Starting and running vehicles through the coldest, iciest conditions that January and February can throw at you is hard. It...
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Volvo's Fl 6 has finally arrived, we have driven one — and it was well worth waiting for, because it bristles with technical...
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• Fuel waxing is one of the many causes of broken down vehicles in the winter. Waxing itself has many causes, including badly...
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British Coal has decided to cut its losses in South Wales and switch its distribution system from the railways to the road....
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Twelve months after D-Day we take a look at how the country's deregulated PSV operations are performing — and the news is not...
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LITRE BEATER • We tested the Duple Integral 425 coach last year (CM 8 March 1986) and felt that it showed great promise....
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• CAB COMFORT This Duple has plenty to commend it to the driver. The driving position is high enough to give a commanding view...