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David Brown Develops PREE-CUTTING stainless. Easily Machined StainA steel castings have been less Castings. . . introduced by...
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Of ringing the "bell " with a good punch. That the C licensee is not yet batting on a safe wicket. That some filters are apt...
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FORD CUTS VAN PRICES P RICES of Ford light vans were reduced on Monday as follows:5-cwt. chassis with windscreen from £168 to...
Ltd., have accepted the offer of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., to purchase the shares of the Maudslay concern,...
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Keep on Guard [WARNINGS to C-licensees that they W must remain alert to safeguard their interests were given at several recent...
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A TRIP during which 12 of the party were left behind, because they missed the coach at a halting place, had a sequel in an...
was evidenced in speeches at the first annual dinner of the Road Haulage Association's Huddersfield sub-area, last week, but...
year, membership of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund increased from 13,304 to 14,297. Since the propaganda campaign...
MR. W. C. COLLINS has been appointed senior secretarial assistant (traffic section) and MR. R. B. Lewis, senior secretarial...
T HE Northern Licensing Authority has granted an application by Darlington Corporation to operate two cross-town motorbus...
VY MR. CHARLES HARE LEONARD, whose name will always be associated with Carless, Capel and Leonard, Ltd. He was the first man...
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to Prevent Theft ? H AULIERS generally Should do more to prevent thefts of goods in transit, said speakers at the April...
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F iFTEEN new Morris-Commercial vans with bodies similar to those used by the British Post Office have been imported for the...
A record of 1,201,706 tyres, including 309,776 giants, was retreaded last year by members of the Retread Manufacturers...
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"WHY do we need a shock absorber VV if we have a perfect spring? " was one of a barrage of questions fired at Messrs. J. A....
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T HAT an important aircraft construction company should take up light alloy body building for commercial vehicles is not...
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I N "The Commercial Motor," dated March 12, I dealt with the case of an operator who was buying £40,000 worth of motor coaches...
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T HE present tendency for municipal operators to prefer doubledeck bodies to single-deckers seems to be founded on the...
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British Makers Must Start Afresh • says A. W. Haigh, A.M.I.Mech.E., T HAT the gross weight of a vehicle is the controlling...
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a:14 SOAR NC TRAFFIC B ACK in 1860 George Train persuaded the elders of Birkenhead to give him authority to run horsed trams...
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A T a recent meeting at Bradford of the Yorkshire Transport. Society, Mr. C. Courtney Cramp, past president of the Industrial...
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to us a copy of "The . 1-1 Commercial Motor" dated March 12, 1948, and we have read with much interest the article by S.T.R....
I N your issue dated March 19, you published an article based on a report of the National Standing Joint Committee on Road...
for greater output by those industries the products of which command a readyi export market. In some cases, however, it has...
a recent article concerning Liver pool's Transport • Department that people prefer to ride on buses. Actually, we are to be...
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WITH reference to the report in "The Commercial v . Motor" dated -February 27; 1948, dealing with the paper given by me-to the...
an American paper there was an article referring to a new method of constructing pre fabricated bus bodies, which, apparently,...
T HE description of the standard Leyland Beaver with livestock container, illustrated in " The Commercial Motor" on February...
A S a regular reader I wonder if you could obtain the views of your readers regarding a court case in which I have ,recently...
WE are in some doubt as to the use of articulated " vehicles built to carry abnormal loads and which exceed the length laid...
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RP-TO-DATE semi-trailer mobile V canteens are to be put into service by London Transport at points where no refreshment...
O NLY amalgamation of road and rail services in Northern Ireland will solve the transport problem, declared Major F. A. Pope,...
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S QPEAK1NG at a dinner organized by Birmingham sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, last week, MajorGeneral G. N. Russell,...
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An Improved Gully Emptier . DATENT No. 596,486 comes from Scammeli Lorries, Ltd., Watford, and others, and discloses an...