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Income Tax And New Vehicles A Client Has Recently Handed
to us a copy of "The . 1-1 Commercial Motor" dated March 12, 1948, and we have read with much interest the article by S.T.R. concerning the Income Tax problem arising from the......
Does Glasgow Encourage Education'?
I N your issue dated March 19, you published an article based on a report of the National Standing Joint Committee on Road Transport Education. In this, various organizations......
Trade Marks And Higher Quality J He Government Is Rightly...
for greater output by those industries the products of which command a readyi export market. In some cases, however, it has been suggested that insufficient attention has been......
Does The Travelling Public Prefer Trams ? O Ne Gathers From
a recent article concerning Liver pool's Transport • Department that people prefer to ride on buses. Actually, we are to be forced to travel in these whether we like it or not,......