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A . CONSIDERABLE amount of comment each year is devoted, in goods transport circles, to materials handling—a subject that is...
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A LTHOUGH most busmen prefer to dream of a nice green r1 Christmas rather than of the white variety, one North Western driver...
S OME industrial leaders, it will by now have become obvious to readers of this page, are more difficult to interview than...
Hard Holidays w i t EMBERS of the transport staff of school meals services IV" take a dim view of friends who make jokes about...
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Government's Plan for the Commission IRRITISH ROAD SERVICES, the Tilling group, Scottish Omnibuses and London Transport are to...
A T Leeds on Tuesday, F. Chappell. Ltd.. of Leeds, were accused of embarking on a policy of obtaining A licences for C-licence...
A SERIES of charges arising from rThbribes accepted by the transport manager of a large Birmingham office furniture firm...
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Startling Increases Reported [ HE large increase in the number of 8-12-seater vehicles used in the country was spotlighted...
F INES totalling £330 were imposed at Northfleet last week on Ralph William Tedder, of Culverstone. Garage, Meopham, Kent, when...
A PROTOTYPE Daimler Fleetline rear-engined double-deck bus was officially handed over for tests on routine service, to Aid. L....
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MR. W. JONES has been appointed regional manager, Eastern Region, Raybestos-Belaco, Ltd., Southwark Street, London, S.E.1. MR....
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Mr. W. Rodman, shippin g and traffic supervisor, Massey Fer g uson (U.K.), Ltd., said a 11-acre tractor park at the factory was...
'THIS year's ChristmaL messa g e from Mr. Ernest Marples, the Minister of Transport, is concerned with drinkin g and li g htin...
MEWS that a claim by London Trans' port bus inspectors for wa g e increases of up to 16 per cent. for different g rades would...
THE Court of Appeal last week dis missed with costs an appeal by S. Span g lett, Ltd., furniture manufacturers, of Bethnal...
I N spite of fierce competition from Germany, Rawlin g s Manufacturin g Co., Ltd., have secured an order for 20,000 luxury...
are now sellin g mechanical handlin g e q uipment. An a g reement with R.. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., of Dursley,...
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THE difficulty of obtaining suitable hired vehicles for a parcels service was one of the factors put forward by Hanson Haulage...
A N AGREEMENT has been made between Simms Motor Units, Ltd., and Easco Electrical (Holdings), Ltd., 6/8 Brighton Terrace,...
Expanding: Northern General Transport Co. Ltd. Gateshead, are plann:ng to build a £60,600 bus station on a site at Alderson...
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THE increase of 30s. a week in the L wage packets of Birmingham busten, to be made from the first pay day 1 January, is the...
T HE need for bigger buses was referred to by Mr. John Spencer Wills, chairman, at the annual general meeting of East Yorkshire...
' T O face legitimate competition from private transport is one thing; to 'ace it from the illegal use of minibuses Ind other...
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O PERATING a fleet of 130 5-cwt. and 10-cwt, vans for the distribution of newspapers was analysed in detail by Mr. J. J....
A COMPREHENSIVE guide to the I - I International Boat Show will he the major feature in the January number of our associated...
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and Heavier Trailer A N attempt by a Tees-side firm of hauliers to enter the longer-length. steel• carrying held was...
A N application by Peter McCallum and Sons, Ltd.; of - Stirling; for additional A licences for six articulated units on...
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From Our Political Correspondent A COMPLETE reconstruction of the British-Transport Commission is to be 1 Th made by the...
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r UST ahead of the Government's White .1 Paper ontransport, came a report rum the Association of British Chambers if Commerce...
A T the official openin g last week of the !--k new Birmin g ham sales and service Iepot of Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton,...
A LTHOUGH they had been given 80 per cent. of new traffic in car bodies from Scotland to the Midlands, British Railways stron...
F OLLOWING the slump in re g istra1 'lions of new commercial vehicles in Au g ust, the total for September rose by 3,942 to...
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by Richard Dangerfield A Month-by-month Summary of the Major Developments in Every Department of Road Transport During the...
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Political Commentary By JANUS W ITH his right forefinger Maggie's brother, Cromwell, carefully removed a fragment of a...
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S I see it, Mr. T. Walkerley, in his reply to Mr. John 1 Birch and Mr. C. Blackie regarding the Commer perinnel carrier, merely...
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Tapering Fares Seem to be a Drawback to the Economic Operation of New Housing Estate and Factory Area Services By Tom...
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Expansion Beyond Coaching is the Mood of the George Ewer Concern by Kenneth Bowden T HREE years ago George Ewer and Co., Ltd.,...
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A MONO important grants listed this week are five more A vehicles for Hanson Haulage (Leeds), Ltd., in Yorkshire, and four for...
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OADING time of metal windows has been reduced from around one and a half hours to as little as five minutes. following the...
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Are Dealt With in Answer to Readers' Queries. Other Replies Concern Insecure Loads and 12-seaters. A SOUTH AUSTRALIAN reader...
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T HEproblem of keeping milk fresh in warm weather, particularly where long distances have to be covered between dairy and...
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A ' injection nozzle shown in patent No. 851,629 is claimed to ensure efficient atomization at both low and hi g h fuel...
DATENT No. 844,040 comes from I General Motors Corp., Detroit, Michi g an, U.S.A., and covers improvements in brake mechanism....