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Call For Open Competition
r UST ahead of the Government's White .1 Paper ontransport, came a report rum the Association of British Chambers if Commerce called "Transport for the 7 uture. " The......
New Oldham Depot
A T the official openin g last week of the !--k new Birmin g ham sales and service Iepot of Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester, the chairman, Mr. John Dldham, commented on......
Mclielvie's Application For 30 Vehicles Adjourned
A LTHOUGH they had been given 80 per cent. of new traffic in car bodies from Scotland to the Midlands, British Railways stron g ly opposed an application and Co. by MeKelvie (......
Registrations Climb Again
F OLLOWING the slump in re g istra1 'lions of new commercial vehicles in Au g ust, the total for September rose by 3,942 to 22,742. But this fi g ure was still far below the......