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A LTHOUGH, through the energy of the Road Haulage Association's vehicles security committee and its chairman, Mr. J. T. Brown,...
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Geon eader A FAR cry, if ever there was one, from the gentleman's haberdashery to road haulage in north-country dockland. For...
These Days? I — I A PERSON we don't see much of at lunches and dinners these days is our much-maligned Minister of Transport,...
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P UBUC road and rail transport costs are playing a steadily diminishing role in the determination of the retail prices index, a...
PA A 16 - VEHICLE take - over application was cut down by seven in London last week when Mr. C. J. Macdonald, the Metropolitan...
WE are determined within the next month that an application will go from this organization to the Road Haulage Wages Council...
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A N attack against 'the incursion of the return-load merchant" was made by Mr. E. S. Fay, Q.C., representing 57 objecting...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P OLICE and fire authorities should be warned in advance when dangerous loads are to be...
"S OME traders, but by no means all of them, put up a kind of mental barrier at the receiving end and the dispatch point ac....
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Mr. J. Eden, a technical representative of W. P. Butterfield (Engineers), Ltd., Shipley, Yorks, was flying to the West Indies...
QEVENTY TWO classified road schemes, each costing over £100.000, planned for London and the other English conurbations were...
TWO LEYLANDS: Another two Leyland Leopard, 36-ft.-long coach chassis have been ordered by East Midland Motor Services, Ltd.,...
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a report on the unification of road traffic rules—a report which was last week adopted by the Assembly's transport committee....
Traffic Commissioners, Maj,-Gen. A. F. J. Flmslie, presided over his first passenger sitting at Manchester last week. He was...
A PPL1CATIONS by Ribble Motor Ser vices, Ltd., of Preston, to vary the conditions on two express licences under which they...
A FTER considering evidence from several North Western pigeon fanciers at Liverpool last Tuesday, the North Western Deputy...
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Spectacular Departure from Declared Intention" T HE operation of three A-licensed vehicles by Tarbuns Transport, of...
A SOMERSET haulier who raised his rates to bring them in line with those charged by other operators was granted an additional...
A 'R producing a number of "dyed in the wool" witnesses, who did not wish to avail themselves of the facilities of existing...
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TH . ERE was one simple step Mr. I Selwyn Lloyd could take to help the West Country and that was to make a substantial...
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A RESOLUTION "deploring the I — I Government's lethargy in improving road and rail services in 20th century Britain," was...
B RITAIN'S motorway programme is not nearly big enough, according to the County Surveyors' Society, who recommend the addition...
U.S. FORD TO ENTER NEW MARKET IT was revealed in the U.S. recently 1 that the Ford Motor Company is to enter the...
A MERICAN bus companies would like to haul small packages for express delivery in semi-trailers towed by the buses....
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T HE whole share capital of Pilot Works, Ltd., Bolton, has been acquired by Brornilow and Edwards, whose chairman, Lord...
T HE Ikarus works near Budapest, which employs 4,000 people, is currently exporting Over 85 per cent, of its output of buses,...
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A MONG the new vehicles ordered for r - V delivery this year by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., are 20 Leyland AtIantean...
A PLEA for some assistance to be given to local authorities so that they could run necessary bus services where private...
A FTER a joint application five operators for an express service between Barnsley and London had been amended. British...
A N applicant before the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners at Nottingham last week was alleged by the representative of an...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT " W E shall toll them wherever we can "—that, according to Mr. Marples, remains...
A MOVE to share equally between the Railways Board and the Holding Company the B.T.C.'s securities in the B.E.T., Tilling and...
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Mercedes-Benz 5-tonner Equipped with Primrose Third-axle Conversion for Use in Malaya at 12 tons Gross Weight: 16.5 m.p.g....
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By JOHN F. MOON, A.M.I.R.T.E. Thirty-second Geneva Motor Show Contains Few New Designs: Imports of Conmiercial Vehicles into...
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THAMES-THURGOOD 28-SEATER A well-equipped coach for under £3,000 T HERE is growing interest in the smaller types of p.s.v.,...
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A S far as one can make out, the Labour Party, or a large section of them, dislike the idea that Britain should become a member...
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Dipped . Headlamps VEHICLE drivers in Birmingham are asked to Use v dipped headlights in the streets. This is 'a short-term...
A LTHOUGH the number of C-licensed goods vehicles. in Britain continues to grow 'substantially year by year, the latest figures...
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S TEEL mesh, sheet or timber sides can be built into new post and box type pallets from E. Stephens and Son, Ltd., 58-66 Bath...
One is the first edition of " Questions and Answers for Motor Vehicle Mechanics," by R. Brooks. This is intended primarily for...
DPA 1-1 . distributor-type fuel-injection pumps has been introduced by V. L.: Churchill and Co., Ltd., Great South West Road,...
floor maintenance machine has been introduced by Progress (Universal), Ltd., Aldershot, Hants: This new model, the Universal...
Known as 109 Showroom Shine the polish contains a specially developed synthetic wax combined with silicone and solvents. It is...
chromiumnickel stainless steel are featured in a new publication—No. 2412—issued by The International Nickel Company (Mond),...
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from Met. Area A lull in "switch" bids ? ARGEST single application to be found among this week's "Applications and Decisions"...
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In determining a suitable transport policy, traders and industrialists have now to include Common Market implications in their...
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THE PROBLEMS OF ARRIVING AT EXACT COSTING METHODS THE difficulties of charging for parcels traffic was the subject of a paper...