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New Vehicles For Ribble
A MONG the new vehicles ordered for r - V delivery this year by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., are 20 Leyland AtIantean double-deck coaches for use on mediumdistance express......
Minister Can't Stimulate Bus Traffic
A PLEA for some assistance to be given to local authorities so that they could run necessary bus services where private enterprise companies were unwilling to provide them, met......
Barnsley-london Express Approved
A FTER a joint application five operators for an express service between Barnsley and London had been amended. British Railways, the only objectors, withdrew at Leeds last week.......
" Back-door Met Hod" Allegation
A N applicant before the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners at Nottingham last week was alleged by the representative of an objecting firm to be using "a back-door method of......