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THOSE who are interested in transport and who, for that reason, were invited by the War Department to witness the demonstration...
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Coughs and sneezes. Of the giving and taking of colds. Questions of hours upsetting the powers. Weather forecasts too often...
The driver shook his head. "Well, let's count up and set. It was three from 1V— to X—, four from X— to Y—, two from Y— to Z—....
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport al whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Etiquette of the Road. The Use of Steel Tyres. Compulsory Thirdparty Insurance. Kerbside Cab Ranks. The Incomplete Tilbury...
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D ETAILS of the London ambulance service are given in the recentlyissued 1925 report of the London County Council. The London...
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Some of the Latest Ideas in Design and Construction as Exemplified by the Exhibits at the Recent Convention of the American...
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T HM tramways department of the Halifax Corporation has been developed considerably during the past year, and this matter was...
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An Important Service Depot in Birmingham. H IT HER T 0, the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and, the Daimler Co., Ltd., have...
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The Latest Star Passenger Model Now Equipped with a Six-cylindered Engine for High-speed Work. A DESCRIPTION of the low load11...
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T)REDICTIONS regarding the use of Diesel and semi Diesel engines and the rigid six-wheeler were features of the speeches at...
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The New Ideas of Engineers and Designers Vehicles and to Supplement nprove Upon Brake Mechanism of Motor )river's Power in...
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ITALY. Toward the end of the war, large numbers of American tractors were bought by the Italian Government, thus causing a...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. NEWCASTLE'S LATEST BUS PROPOSALS. Municipal Authorities...
Outstanding Features of a Controversy Between a Bus-operating Company and a Municipal Authority as Revealed at a Recent Inquiry...
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Brief Details of a 52-seater A.D.C. Bus which has Just Been Supplied to a Prominent Bristol Company. p R..kCTICALLY all...
The Ministry of Transport Gives its Decisions on Inquiries Recently Held in the West Riding. T HE Ministry of Transport has...
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An Interesting Swedish Appliance Which Can Undertake a Number of Operations, Including Stone Crushing and Road Rolling. A N...
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A Simple Explanation of the Principles Involved in Gear Operation. A FOREMAN driver, of Dublin, has put into simple form some...
1 - NESPITE all that has been written 1../ about iron and steel, there are hazy notions regarding them in the minds of many...
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Details of a New 50-cwt. Lacre of Particularly Interesting Design Affording Remarkable Accessibility. MHE modern commercial...
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The Vogue of the Motorcycle Carrier and the Business Tricar. How Attention is Being Paid to the Small-capacity Vehicle and to...
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A Miscellany of Points Raised by Correspondents. The Conduct of a Transport Department Operating on a Small Capital. A LMOST...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use. of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side...
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Recutting Stripped Axle Threads. Renovating a Thornycroft Camshaft. Curing a Fierce Clutch on a 15-ter Fiat. Obviating Boiler...
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Useful Contributions from our Driver and Mechanic Readers. Cutting Screws in a Plain Lathe. T 013S of turning and even...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T WO inventions relating to machines for emptying gullies are shown in...